Losing abilities you may have never had

well i have like these memories of being good at stuff, but in reality they are probably false past lives memories. like in music, and mechanics/fix it stuff, and herbalism. i don’t know where i conjured up these memories, but sometimes it seems like i must’ve devolved somewhere to lose all this ability in my present life. i feel like im missing a piece of myself or something.

The best solution that is freely available is to perform grounding exercises. Scrutinize your childhood and past experiences overall. Maybe visit the places from your past. I suspect you will find very real basis for your supposedly supernatural memories. That is what worked for me.

All I say now I mentioned previously on this forum.

I have “memories of past lives” too, your description matches well my own reactions. For example, I “remember” being a tribal priest in coastal or island Greece three thousand years ago. When these delusions appeared I thought that there is no overlap with my real life and these memories. I even managed to match maps, fauna and speculated traditions from real research.

+++ I also “lost abilities” from all other “past lives” that I “remember”: warrior spirit, engineering, and other nonsense. Those are more than likely what I feel I want to do well in this real life, but find myself falling short of my own expectations. Hence the feeling that what is differs from what should have been.

However, in reality, when I was a child I read a lot of Greek mythos, that produced the setting. I also read a lot on ancient slavic tribal traditions, pre Kiev Rus. That produced the characters.

Therefore, your “memories” appear as a result of your own imagination under stress. I am not trying to be disrespectful, but this really is the only grounding exercise, out of scores, that worked for me personally, and therefore I try to recommend to others.

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