I’m about 25 lbs overweight. At a point where it’s not too sloppy but on the verge. Aside from the health benefits (anti-diabetes), I’d like to appeal to the opposite sex a tad more. If you lost a significant amount of weight, how did you do it? Diet? Fasting? Cardio? Weights?.. I’d like to know.
I think I’d drop the weight if I ceased my ap med. Wish I could just to see, but certainly not worth the risk.
I’ve repeated this on numerous other threads but I use the calorie counting app www.MyFitnessPal.com It is free and has the largest food database in the world. I lost 50 pounds using this app and kept it off over the past three years. I also exercise everyday doing exercise that I love doing. I also don’t drink my calories. And I avoid alcohol. I never drink soda pop either, either diet or regular, nor energy drinks. That’s my secret in a nutshell. And I take three different AP’s on a regular basis.
I lost 40 lbs by cutting carbs and sugar from my diet. I also work out everyday. Carbs are the hard part but on ap’S our bodies almost immediAtely turn them to fat
Cutting carbohidrates its a solution in short-term but has the problem of rebound effect. When you come back to the normal diet body asimilates the carbos more efficiently and you can get fat again easily. The point is that you cant go on with the dukan diet permanently, its dangerous for liver. Maybe the mediterranean diet, which has slower results, is more healty. Its my personal opinion. But im overweigh, so, i dont have the right answer.
Best way for me in the past has been lowering caloric intake, and walking (outside) if at all possible. Just by lowering my calories in the past few months, I managed to drop 15 pounds, although I’ll grant at my size it’s not much to have lost. 6’3" and about 317 lbs. now. Yeah, I’ve got a long way to go.
I put on 30kg on Olanzapine and three years later I am still trying to lose that weight. I think the anti psychotic you’re on makes a massive difference I lost weight on Latuda and Haldol so now I am 81 kg instead of 95kg
I use the on and off fasting (because I am impatient).
It goes like this. I do 500-650 calories a day for about 5 to 10 days. After 5 to 10 days the body adjust and will go into conservation mode. During conservation mode we dont lose any more weight because the body wont let us.
After we are sure we are in conservation, then switch to 1500 to 2000 calories a day. Do this about a 5 to 7 days.
Then go back to fasting at the 500 to 650 calories again.
I lose about 5 to 10 pounds each fast.
This diet is not for every one. we must be willing to refuse hunger sensations. and no very heavy activity during the fasting days. (running would not be good, but walking 30 - 40 min every other day is ok).
I also just take an hr nap if I get temped by hunger sensations too. Sleeping turns off hunger.
I use about one-third cup of whole milk during fast for medicine that says take with food.
Off meds I’m about 220 lbs. I worked out 3 times a day and have a six pack. I don’t take off days. First day I lift upper body, second day I lift abs, third day I lift lower body, then I repeat. When you lift weights your body needs to rest a couple days afterwards. I also took a lot of protein and pre-workout supplements. I did end up in a psych ward. On meds I use to weigh 305 lbs, now I’m 279 lbs and I’m too tired to workout. I just cut calories and take appetite suppressants, but it’s working.
Personally I just lost 10# (again) by quitting/limiting alcohol and calorific drinks. Keeping to just water and 1 glass of milk,sometimes an orange juice. I gained the last 10# back due to drinking.