Looking for a f****** miracle

My Abilify has my Compulsive Disorder so messed up that I literally don’t have enough money to pay my bills and the doctor had the nerve to increase it last month I can’t recommend going on a different medicine as this one takes away the voices and the most of the delusions not all the way in proper thinking but the other medicines mess me up so bad I need to be in geriatrics so I don’t recommend changing my m e d s my loans are more than the amount of money that I get personally and paying off the debt is almost in practical I’m not that deep enough to go bankrupt nor do I have any Rich relatives to bail me out I live life simply as possible trying to keep my bills down as low as possible just to feed these greasy little son of a b****** I am needing a miracle


Have you seen an expert for advice about consolidating your debt ie a manageable amount you can pay each month?


I agree with @anon67605327 . You need to get advice on this DrZen.

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Abilify can exacerbate compulsive behaviour. I remember when I was on it. Then I went on Clopixol older generation ap, not been spending compulsive anymore on that.
Definitely get some debt advice you may be surprised
And also speak to your pdoc about different meds
There are better meds for this problem

Years ago I couldn’t stop buying from catalogues clothes mainly, I was addicted for sure. I got help. I hope you can take on board what I’ve suggested because that’s what I did


I got 99 problems but hearing voices ain’t one. Sounds like a dream to me

Yeah, make me pay more. Lol idiots.

Some organizations can get your debt consolidated or get your interest lowered so you can pay off the debts faster.

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I’m sad you’re having a tough time, Zen.

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Have you tried Rexulti? It’s the only atypical I can tolerate other than Abilify. But Abilify gave me some pretty dangerous hypersexuality and impulse control issues an be I don’t have any of that with Rexulti.

They’re very similar, so often people that respond week try Abilify will respond week to Rexulti. I really recommend discussing with your doctor the t trouble you’re having, even if you don’t charge meds. But also you should ask about Rexulti and get her opinion at least. Can’t hurt anything to ask.


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