Looking back , my life really went off the rails 🚋

I was an undiagnosed schizophrenic and an alcoholic who came from a dysfunctional family.

Yet I always thought I had as good a chance at having a normal life as everyone else. That’s what really gets me.

It was like the line from that song

“But everything he lacks, well, he makes up in denial”

My life slowly but surely proceeded to go wildly off the rails. It’s still bewildering to me that I didn’t see it coming.


Sorry. I’m in denial now… feel like Cameron gazing at that painting in the museum in Ferris Bueller’s day off. My time here is that day off.

I might be messing this one up(my stupid metaphors … but I think ‘you get me’)

What song is that? (I know Google is my friend, but I’d rather you tell me.)

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Sorry to hear everhopful. Hope you can have many happy years to come.

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I didn’t plan any of this crap out, crap just happened to me and here I am. Some crap is good in my life, a lot of this crap sucks.

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First stop alcohol drinking. Alcohol, benzos etc ruin the life for sure even if have no mental issues.

What you need is to improve your cognition, create productive habits in life to mitigate laziness, depression etc.

For improving cognition take omega 3 fish oil soft gel every morning with food. DMG supplement good to improve energy, mood etc. Check to see if you have deficient in vitamin B12. D etc and correct it. Check your thyroid level and make it to optimal level using thyroid pills.

Next is to create strict schedules like night sleep time, eat food at proper times, exercise regularly. do some job and thus keep yourself busy. This is almost like living in jail with no option to put off. This is the best way to overcome the issues created by mental diseases.

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