Look at the world like if tom brady

Had a secret schizophrenia diagnosis and horrific symptoms…making us underachievers…if that actually was true. Would you be more motivated to be your best? Or how would you feel?? Maybe not a sports star
… maybe anyone who does incredibley difficult things in life? You may not enjoy sports yet understand that what he does and has accomplished is unheard of in life.

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Nah. I don’t like Tom Brady. I also think there are degrees of illness. Some people can work and live quasi-normal lives. I can’t. Some people with autism can do the same while others can’t. Same with just about anything. I’m not an under-achiever. If anything, I think I’ve accomplished a lot. I might not be doing as much now, but I’m still truckin’.


Thabks for your answer…im an underachiever… i always have been…

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There are alot of very accomplished successful people on here. Its great achieveing something that means something special to you. Im not recovered yet i have a big challenge as any of us have and but i see my glass is half full…im feeling better and ready to begin.

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I never really accepted a schizophrenia diagnosis myself. I always wanted to get back…i made a move to go off meds…and it worked out…im up for the challenge…evefyones different noones better or worse. I was interested in everyones answers

My personal belief is anyone can come back from all kind of things…you can go from being the most hated person to the most loved…the biggest loser to the biggest winner…thats why i always wanted to come back…and thats honestly how i see everyone on here…i wish you all the best

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Tom Brady is ■■■■.

Didn’t he leave his pregnant wife for a super model?

Yes, I’m pretty sure he did.

He may have won however many Super Bowls and that’s mega impression,

But he’s not someone to compare to or praise.


Well yea i was focusing on accomplishments that are extremeley difficult…a persons character is interesting and not what i was thinking…

I would assume most famous people or sports stars or anyone are not very nice…

He left one supermodel for another after he got the first one preggers.


Alot of guys have done doucebag stuff. I also dont know the exact story. They got a divorce? Thats pretty common? Right?

A divorce? Pretty common? But like i said i was speaking of accomplishments

I think they’re like anyone. Some are nice, some aren’t. I know what you’re talking about with accomplishments, though. It seems like Brady keeps going, breaking new records, surpassing expectations, and even so far beyond typical retirement age in his field. But he’s the exception, not the rule. Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing or you’ll go nuts. Keep in mind that things often aren’t what they seem on the outside. I think the single mother who successfully raises four kids on her own at a job that pays pennies has accomplished far more than most. Others might look at her and think she shouldn’t get welfare or should have gotten an education, etc. but I still see success for her situation.

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Not for me. Married since 2000 to the same woman.

I don’t regard being good at tossing a ball around as a worthwhile accomplishment.

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I agree completely…what i was getting at which maybe was incorrect on my part was i see people on here who have no friends no partner or a jpb they hate…i dont know alot about psychology so perhaps i was wrong???

Its incredibly difficult as are thkngs people do in all aspects of life

Pretty sure it doesn’t compare to a medical degree.

I disagree…if you google search average doctor iq it said 120…unless thats incorrect…if you do not know how to succeed in college. Perhaps taks a college success class…work hard just do it…theres more doctors than tom bradys…i disagree completely…sooooo many people graduate medical school… alot of people are in college who choose a different major than that…theres sooo many factors

120 iq is the new 100 iq…a ton of people do and are capable of medical school…ive met doctors who did not impress me that much to be honest

Because there’s an actual need for them. Society won’t collapse without pro football. The past two years have shown us what happens when docs and nurses are in short supply.

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