Lonely is the night


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My lonely night song

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Sampled into this

But i remember listening to Billy Squier coming home from school with my Mom on sirius. There was like this week where they constantly played lonely is the night and everybody wants you on classic rewind. Ironic combination but it was cool

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My kinda lover and the stroke are good ones too

I’m listening to this now

sets the mood good

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My friend and I listened to Regatta de blanc on his walkman on the bus to a field trip damn your bringing back memories. Even if I was born after all this music. Also if you like 20th century music and hip hop look up who sampled its fun to see whosampled.com what and tells you who covered what and is a cool way to find new music. I will admit I never got into Sting as a solo artist though. Like Genesis and Phil Collins (besides I don’t care anymore) I thought Sting was better with The Police.

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I agree. Talib kweli get by is a good sample from sinnerman by Nina Simone

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That was a good song and sample and his album with hi tek was really good too. I will say my favorite sampler might be Madlib. He might be overrated in the hip hop community as a producer but all the samples he uses are impressive and he flips them really well. In short I thought Madlib picks the best samples J Dilla flipped samples the best. Say what you want about sampling but you have to be above music nerd to be really good at it. And have a creative mind to look at a composition in a different way. Though some are just taken directly from the sample without being changed but still end up weird and cool like Doom sampling Glass Onion and the scooby doo theme song.

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