Loneliness from another point of view


I have grown used to not having many people in my life.

I have been betrayed by so called friends before, and I will not let that happen again.


“Can I Have Some Time Alone…” r.e.m.


This is not the way, you should live in contaminants and yet not contaminated, leave this behind who says the society is contaminated fully, without society we are nothing,


Its a difference if you are in a countrytown or city. I think lonelyness is perceived differently. Positive or negative. Depends if you are hooked on tv or internet.

I am alone most of the time but I’m not lonely. Helps having an amazing cat. I also only have a select few people I let in my life and a couple funny texts makes a difference in a day.

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I bump into the same cat in the city regularly. We are so aware of each other. She totally sussed me out.

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