Living with schizo

Thought I would share a disgusting story but one that is necessary to know as a schizo in order to survive this…

I worked in social work and charity for a little while, not much past office support or intern. My areas were emergency services handouts for most needy, mental care doing annual reviews of committed and office assistant to charity that ran a big shelter at one time.

When hired, I never disclose my diagnosis if I could help it as I did not need accommodations (at the time). However, the side effects of the medications caused my termination from one job pretty quickly due to uncontrollable IBS - irritable bowel symptoms. Prior to my termination I did disclose I was on social security and the boss did a small hiccup but let me go anyway. My job performance was never a problem , but I was just sick too often for a new job.

This boss had created the biggest homeless shelter and support system on the Coast but I can identify a skunk when I see one. This is the true color of some of the charity workers and staff. I ran into the man a few more times over the years but he got more and more rude. After being rejected for a volunteer gig over Christmas by same organization, I did wonder. Then recently, ran into this boss again at a restaurant in company with another man who I think is a local pastor. They both B—CHED loudly doing thought broadcasting about welfare cases, people living free and lazy able-bodied adults who won’t do anything for themselves .

Not being an assertive one, I did not take this opportunity to remind the man HE chose to let me go when I was physically too ill to work a few times yet I was able to handle all the tasks of the job.

After seeing some emergency services people turn away needy under false premises and even Red Cross staff refuse to serve some due to their own biases, I just think it good to know what kind of person is sometimes running a charity – someone who will play God on you.

Back in 1960s, the poor and minorities had said the charities never did handouts without their own intentions. Most of the charities were church related and did turn away a lot of people causing food shortages for many of the poor. Thus, the food stamps were born. However in 2014, food stamps were cut to their lowest point in over a decade.

I think it really important to show the intentions of some of the charities, just a free way to gain power, do a hobby or pay for their own living expenses. Religious charities create an insanely luxurious lifestyle for some – not even pastors but the wealthy businessmen appointed to a church position and drawing profits from tithes.

I think it time to remind people to expect nothing from another and you will never be disappointed. No one gives a damn in the charities while the mental health care must follow policies that do not allow the doctors/therapy to discuss basic coping skills of dealing with social problems with other psychotics that will keep you alive. We have to work and work for ourselves, our families, our neighborhoods, other consumers with a huge burden of schizophrenia. Rest is stacked against us with discriminatory policing, legal oppression of consumers, employment discrimination, sick special interest groups and political corruption. Keep try to work when after you learn to deal with the voices as background noise and you understand that other psychotics will probably verbally harass you and you need to ignore this to get into a good job. Keep working, relying on less and less on interests of government and charity brokers, as you work back to ‘normal’ so we who fell victim to mental care will not be victims again and again.

Work when you are able and you understand how it will affect your government assistance. Try to live so you are not depending on people like this who will screw you at your most vulnerable point.

I hate seeing more and more millennials give into ‘the new way we have to act’ when passive resistance to demands and continuation of work attempts in a better choice for yourself and your country than passive aggression, sniveling and stabbing people in the back.

I am staying with relative on temporary basis which counts me as a homeless person now which happened to other people in my neighborhood recently due to police discrimination of persons receiving mental care & disability checks. NO need to discuss anything with cops unless everything in house was gone. Cops/courts here do nothing about social harassment or trespassings. Victims of this are sometimes subjected to psychiatric evaluation at their own expenses here to intimidate them & ruin their living arrangements.

A church hired senior citizen through elder referral service to help out at the charity only to fire the man because the volunteers objected to a paid employee. This elderly man went homeless for a while. The rest of the volunteers at this church charity are almost filthy rich so no worries.

I really recommend you look for questionable stuff as you get to know new workplaces, listening to the office chatter at the water cooler so you can know what is coming down the pike for you. Once a good government job was routinely screwing out new female workers who took one position while all the time keeping the nutty male thug and management who tolerated these sexual harassment attacks so well played, it was a regular office party event to watch fall of another one.

For consumers on SSDI,
• I highly recommend you keep your income from part-time work below Trial Work Period limit ($780 for 2015) so you will have full protection from Social Security if you do choose to return to full-time.

• If you are on SSI, talk to a case worker at Vocational Rehabilitation or Government mental clinic so you can plan your work so you don’t lose your Medicaid health insurance. Rules for SSI are different.

• Keep your work attempts to jobs you would NEVER want to work full-time as you WILL find some jobs that won’t work for you and you will not stay long. Do not include these short jobs on your resume unless you want to list them as ‘temping’…Leaving these jobs off a resume can result in firing but is unlikely in cities. Later, when ready to work full-time, list your longest jobs so you have a stable work history and apply at these good jobs that will support you. You will have 9 months of overlapping benefit’s check and pay on SSDI. Save this money for emergencies and continue to keep your cost of living below your income, saving as you go so if you run into a situation where it looks like workplace discrimination or hostile workplace is the rule, you will be able to deal things as unemployment pay is usually denied and you will need the savings to support yourself while you choose another option. You usually have to deal with wrongful termination situations with assistance from an attorney, maybe at your own expense.

• My city is hardest on single women who sometimes suffer a nervous break just after moving to my city. Sexual harassment scams plague many of the workplaces here with low-paid female workers shuffled through the business every 4-6 months, messed up and fired then denied unemployment. This treatment of women is happening at many employers who just go through the poor women and keep an office thug. Women were getting ruined over and over at different employers, even women who are not showing any mental symptoms. If this happens, I recommend you move after 2-3 bad jobs. Taking a commutable job in farther suburbs and move eventually can be a relief. Or, work on transferring offices or move to live with friends/family elsewhere. You need to keep quiet about the problem in original city as sometimes problems will start again if you ever had any mental issues. Many who move with mental symptoms will have thought broadcasting continue after you move for a few months so you know who is psychotic in your new city.

• Blackball or barred from employment may eventually can occur if you stay in one place. Concentrate your work efforts online or close enough to commute to a suburban job 30-45 minutes, and move later. Blackball is also avoidable by not getting noticed for speaking out about the negative. There is almost no way you can use the police, courts, politicians or media from relief from anything.

We really can only count on ourselves as the rest just .

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Moved to Unusual Beliefs.

(Wearing moderator hat)

I’ve done the math enough to know that up until retirement, I am not even costing the American taxpayer a cent. When you combine the total tax paying population, then divide it by the amount of SSi I will earn over the next 38 years, it doesn’t even stack up to a penny.

So, in short, I’m not a burden, at all, from an economic standpoint, as 100% of my funds are going to be recycled responsibly back into the economy anyways.

When you combine foodshare into my account, then yeah, I’m just slightly above “poverty level” in the U.S. Everything else that has been added to my account, such as the basic expenses that come with SZ, are all being filtered to help fund the development of future treatments anyways.

Needless to say, I’m feeling confident I’ll never have to work again. And good riddance. I can’t manage SZ + a job.