Living On a Dollar A Day In America

John heard that people in some countries live on a dollar a day. So he decided to try it in America. So he moved into a cave on the outskirts of town, drank spring water, and bought vienna sausages at a Dollar Genera Store 5 miles away for food. Today is a special day because he saved enough money to get a box of saltine crackers. Have a nice feast John.


My brother would consider this an ideal living situation. His life goal is to sell all his belongings and hike the entire length of the Rocky Mountains down south, then turn around and hike the Appalachian trail back up.

I think one would need to factor in cost of goods to average wages to get an accurate equivalent for any non third world country.
Obviously a dollar a day in a third world country will go further than a dollar a day in the USA.

My salary is 2 USD per day, but I own my home, my car, 2 motor cycle and a cute family that I order, on my ability.

I can’t even live off a dollar an hour. I need my soda.

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must be more then that…!!!

I used to live for free, during my teen years. man, I was so lucky back then


there is only 1 way to live in America for $1 a day, starve and use that dollar to buy a lottery ticket and win.

I’m still amazed that people can live off of minimum wage or disability checks. I remember when I was earning much more than that in washington d.c. and scraping by.

Sorry I have 20 per day, I just joked, you mind it that I like.

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I’d freeze my body and have the $1/day go into an account. After being frozen for about 200 years, they’d find a way to reanimate me (assuming reanimation is covered by the, hopefully, universal healthcare by then and thus free). I’d then grab the $73,000 in my account, and accounting for inflation, I’d buy a Pepsi.

U work beside u r mentally ill…!!! I like it Aku…!!!

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I don’t get any money cuz i don’t work…!!!

My income is not enough but it’s ok, here in India Pepsi coke are available @ 0.1 dollar per 200 ml and 2 GB data in 3 dollar per month. I missed study for competitive exams are painful.

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@anon68148378 how’s iz ur cognitive and negative symptoms as u said ur not SZ u diagnosis is bipolar…!!!
i have strong cognitive and negative symptoms…!!!

My job is scavenging on what ever I can get while living a parasitic life. And, I feast on my Parents earnings. - Sagar Gorijala. - way12go ? - Way One To Go ?

I don’t understand the mean of cognitive and negative and positive symptoms, it requires more study of schizophrenia and I am not from medical background, I understand the principle of duty means work in that direction where pressure arises.

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U are bipolar right.???not sz …!!! U are on only one medication that is abilify…!

I guess Bipolar is a person who working exited some time and goes on depression after some time, but I had 4 strong visual haulicination, delusion in past, now panoraid some time, and cut from reality in past, for example once I have to go with my brother to capital city by bus but I reached to the airport with out my brother

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What ever ur diagnosis is u seem in perfect shape …U mean u still work as civil engineer right…don’t u have any difficult in communicating with ur friends …!! cuz i am soon starting volunteering…!!!