Little update on me

So far I have sent 5 job applications.

First one I spelt hoovering wrong in my CV with one instead of two o’s.
First 4 I attached my CV under CV 2019 instead of CV 2020 (I forgot to update the name of the piece, not the actual cv itself)
And lastly I forgot to update my profile on a job site before I sent off the application so it has my old number on the profile but my new number on my CV. Alongside other things that were not correct on the profile since when I first joined that site I was clueless.

These are all unprofessional mistakes,

Anyway at least I changed them now.

It’s real difficult to muster the willpower or whatever to prepare for potential interviews.

Especially when I’ve been such a rubbish worker cos of my low self it’s hard to sell myself


Hell, I’ve got fired from a dozen jobs through the years. When I get fired it doesn’t mean that I can’t do good at the next job. A setback like getting fired doesn’t mean a never ending pattern of losing jobs, you can still do good in the future. I’ve been at my current job 7 years but I got fired from the three jobs before this one.

And good luck on your interviews.


Yea I supppposeeeee… Lol…

I am so keen to get a job yet it’s so difficult to even prepare for an interview. How ironic.

thanks for the positivity!

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That great you’ve been with them for 7 years, really shows loyalty and commitment to the work. :sunny:

I hope to follow in your footsteps :blush:


Yeah, I too made some mistakes recently, like sending in applications with 2019…that is a big no no. Well at least I discovered it at some point :relaxed:

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Your would-be employer thinks you’re experienced at hovering. Man, will they be let down.

Good going though.

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Ah glad you discovered it that’s good…

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Lol :pensive:

I’m an expert at hovering. It actually sounds funny. But it’s in a cleaner role context so obviously they’ll think this person either doesn’t know how to spell or she doesn’t know how to proof read.


What do you mean by hovering?

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It’s ok. Just keep applying with your new resume

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You know, hovering, like remain in one place in the air, like a ghost.

Thanks Pianogal hope you’re doing well after your surgery.

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Thanks @anon51377248!

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You mean you can find someone to pay you for that?

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That sounds like fun; sign me up.

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I review alot of job applicant resumes for job postings at work and you would be surprised how many applicants have spelling or grammatical errors in their job applications, resumes or cover letters or who forget to update their cover letter to reflect the current job posting and company they are applying for.

While these mistakes are noticed and cause me to shake my head, it doesn’t necessarily cause me to reject the applicant as long as their resume, education, and work experience is otherwise sound and relevant to the job posting.


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