My recovery, I decided, it’s in the little steps.
First I needed to go back to school, which I did, and found that I was okay at it. I think if I study something that excites me I’ll be better at it than I was.
Then I needed to quit that degree as to put my mental health first, which I’m very proud of myself for, and every time I remember that I quit it’s a relief that rushes through me you have no idea.
Then, the drivers license. I starting taking it at 18, 11 years ago. Didn’t finish. Time passed, started again at 26, didn’t finish. Time passed. And today I passed the theoretical exam, multiple choice, real easy, only had one wrong answer. I’m very pleased with myself. Now to start with the actual driving lessons! Two more months or so and I’ll have my license.
Next week I’ll go to the colleges I chose to see if I can enroll in them, wish me luck! I think that at least two out of four are possible, they’re private colleges so they take people lol
Meds are working great, since I started to take the shot every five weeks no more side effects. I feel almost normal, still getting used to it but I’m happy about it.
I’m feeling cheerful and hopeful today.
Have a great day everyone! And thanks for reading and for all the support over these last months!
Lots of love