List BENEFITS of SZ! spiritually, intellectually, intuition, anything else etc etc

I think that it makes me a better athlete. That agitation can make some workouts easy. It’s given me insight into psychology, which has guided my thesis in psychology.

Don’t get me started on the cons

i thought i read a recent post from you mouse. do you happen to do martial arts? @mortimermouse

Yeah but I retired. I still workout and box a little bit with friends (on bags not one another). I was trained in Krav Maga fairly extensively, took a crash course in Brazilian jiu jitsu and then taught myself Muay Thai.

I’m a psychology major and I am doing a thesis with an experiment these days.

Actually today I have food poisoning! I am known for being pretty skilled at managing scz, but hell dude I’m sick as shite today! It’s making my scz worse too!

But yeah I did martial arts when I was a teen. These days I just stay in shape and solid condition.

hey mm, how you feel better soon. I’ve always wanted to train in Krav. I have a book on it by Boaz Aviram that’s great. I’ve practiced Karate and Jujitsu in the past. I tried picking up Judo, but couldn’t adapt to it. But I only tried out one class, so who knows. Karate and KM are my faves though.

Yea I took some filipino martial arts classes over the summer so about 3. I took some bjj classes several years ago at same academy. But I have a hard time staying comkitted and driving 45 min to there. Which isn’t bad cuz I need a workout but its not cheap.

huh…Are you dating? Edit: Looks like it , I missed all that

how in the name of jumping jehova did you manage that , she has only 72 posts or something…did you know her in another life? You must be the most effective communicator of all time. I know , I know , there is the PM system as well … Congratulations :wink:

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I would seriously advise against that. Sometimes cavities don’t hurt. They only hurt if they’re deep enough to touch the nerve. I gave up the dentist for about ten years, and when I finally went back, I needed like five thousand dollars worth of work. I broke two teeth at the same time and had sixteen cavities. I recommend at least getting a cleaning and fluoride treatment every six months.

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i also have dealings with relighion and spirituality so much so that I thought knew what the garden lock was. the garden of eden lock that is that keeps man safe from what they dont want. it really doesnt make any sense when you think about it but when you are delusional it makes all the sense in the world

financially i have gained but that is always under threat,

i want to transform my experience into something positive and get some real good out of it, i hope one day that i can completely cure myself and i secretly wish i wasnt taking meds although i know i need them,

i hope one day i get to a point where i know i can cope and i know that i would be strong enough to try to stop with the help of my doctors, idk its just a dream,

i want to go against every norm there is, i want to stand up to all the wrongs in this world, i have the strength of angels behind me, they are my armour,

@cj9556 yeah id probably be ok with a cleaning and check up every 6 months but will be weary about if they want to do any hardcore drilling.

@legion19962015 i believe that part of our condition makes us more inclined or susceptible to the religious world and that we can be more spiritual than most people.

@asgoodasitgets i have never gained financially off my illness and all the gov depts always deny me my money. i also sometimes feel like my meds are working so well that i dont need them but then i start to reflect and remember what i have to go through.

Just remember, an unchecked cavity is a potential root canal in the making. If you think your tooth hurts now, just wait until that happens. It literally wakes people up from their sleep because of the pain, and the surgery to fix it is $1500 if you don’t have insurance. And some dentists don’t even prescribe pain meds afterwards, because of legal restrictions.

i did not know i was ’ god ’ until i was diagnosed !?! :smiley:
and i found my spaceship :rocket:
take care :alien: