Link between appetite and getting no sleep

Has anyone who has suffered from insomnia have very little apetite? I normally eat a lot and sleep a lot but lately I have been doing very little of both.

I think people who can’t sleep are living a good life :smiley:

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I guess so, if you assume that they are not working so they are not normally tired and have a lot of free time to do whatever they want. but still, not being able to sleep can be a huge issue.

I guess eventually I will get super skinny and get a lot of things done :stuck_out_tongue:

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before I got schizophrenia, I spent most of my nights trying to sleep… I had a fairly good life then, after I got schizophrenia, sleeping was never a problem, even when it meant waking up, spending 30mins hearing voices, then putting myself to sleep… always slept

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I use to be the guy who would spend 500 dollars 4 days a week every week… had a black card lol… would walk around with 20,000 dollars in my pocket hahaha… now, it’s like pff, nothing to do, everyday

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I don’t understand. you were… a drug dealer? :0

well, drug dealers loved me :smiley: but no, I wasn’t a drug dealer, just a great waster

I have been writing my story at night. I can’t sleep because of all the ideas I get

Sleep is the most important weapon in my arsenal. If you’re not sleeping well I would see about getting some sleeping pills.

I sleep 9 to 11 hours a night, before I got sick only about 5 or 6.


The next time I go to the doc I am going to ask for some

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but in my defense, I was meant to go to the 124 best university in the world, so my spending meant nothing … Had a student ID, everything, hell, I was gonna be a b1g boss had I not got schizophrenia, now, the idea of making money is stressful… always gonna be trying in vein - cozz I have 0 interest in working with voices in my head

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Weird that you say that, original poster. I eat 4oz of food and I’m suddenly stuffed and extremely full. Then goto bed and stay awake till 6:30am when I finally pass out from exhaustion. 4 trazadone pills seem to work,the 25mg ones. Maybe it’s a side effect from 3mg rexulti? I like rexulti but the eye twitching is getting old.

Until your psychosis gets worse. A LOT worse. A regular schedule is best for maintaining my symptoms.

I never have very little appetite. I can be up for 3 days straight and still be hungry enough to eat a bear. :frowning:

I don’t know what my deal is

before you eat the bear, do you put oil on your body and wrestle it?

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I have a compound bow for a reason.


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