Like Normal People Do

Start your sentence with something you do and finish it off ‘like normal people do’

what stuff do you do which are 100% considered in the ‘normies’ range as @chew would say?

  • I shower daily
  • I am creative
  • I am organized and clean
  • I cook good food
  • I enjoy dressing up
  • shopping and driving

I paint
I walk
I…(nevermind, normal people don’t do that)

I guess that’s all I got!


I think I do every single thing in my own funny way.


I shower daily
I am creative
I am organized and clean
I cook good food
I enjoy dressing up
shopping and driving

Nope. Not me. :smile: Let me think.

I enjoy using my mobile phone
I enjoy shopping online for presents
I enjoy my ecig
Some comedy, but not as much as before


I would shower everyday if I was dating
I am creative
Not organized, clean but not overly
I heat up food lol
I enjoy undressing
I hate shopping and drive all day at my business
I run a business is my biggest accomplishment


I wouldn’t shower daily even if I was a normie. I got dry skin and hair.

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I own and drive my car
I do some light cooking/prepare food for myself
I go online own a smart phone and tablet
I do my own laundry
I do some local shopping/food shopping by myself
I play some guitar


I do most things that “normal” people do, such as drive, work, cook, whatever, but they’re all tweaked a bit.
I do not shower everyday, and I don’t enjoy socializing. I get super anxious when I grocery shop, and I almost never talk on the phone…


I do most of the things that normal people do, but then I’m fortunate in that the sz side of my sza is relatively mild the vast majority of the time. I work, drive, do my own shopping, cook my own food, have my own apartment (even if it is a bit crappy), though I certainly am not organized (apartment is a total mess right now). I shower every day that I work, and sometimes on days off (if I go to the gym). Like @Hedgehog I almost never talk on my phone. My phone is pretty much for texting and using apps.


I make odd noises when I stand up or sit down
I squeeze a sponge underwater to feel the bubbles roll up across my skin
I brush my teeth every day
I drink lots of tea
I imagine how nice it would be to do something special
I eat tasty food that is bad for me
I get songs stuck in my head, even though I don’t really remember any of the lyrics at all accurately
I make mistakes
I surprise myself with my own creativity
I wake up from the best dreams ever and promptly forget everything that happened
I like to stare at ripples in the water reflecting the sunlight
I enjoy feeding the ducks
I say hello to random strangers pet dogs, even though I know they can’t say hello back
I pull faces in the mirror
I smile when I am happy
I cry when I am sad
I dance like a silly person would dance when no one is watching


i shower
i brush my teeth
i exercise


I take my kid out and participate in his activities… I help him with school - as normal mothers do. :relaxed:
I shower and put make up as normies do.
I go out with friends when I’m in the mood - as normally introverted people do.
I am able to do my academic stuff like normal students.
I can cook some nice food like normal housewives.

That all, when I’m having a good period.


Hey @everhopeful You missed one—you seem to enjoy writing poems and we enjoy reading them. :relaxed:


I succeed at everything and I fail at everything.

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I shower every other day but would daily like the times when I had a job or school
I play video games
I go to church
… um
I do math
I take medication
I hear voices… … :disappointed: