Like a leaf: a poem

Like a leaf
I sprout from a bud beneath a dusting of snow
opening slowly to the sharp spring sun
I am shy but her warmth draws me out

Like a leaf
I hold tight to the tree like a babe to the breast
basking in the relentless summer sun
I am drinking the present without fear of the past

Like a leaf
I change my colors from all that I’ve seen
letting go to the wind I dance in the sun
I am finding my way home to the earth

Like a leaf
I am home, resting beneath the mother tree
giving back all I’ve been given by the sun
I am reborn to my future in the ground


That was awesome. Had to read it twice because I first interpreted it from the perspective of the leaf and second from your perspective! Cool metaphors!!

Did you write it?


yup I just wrote it


It’s amazing!! Good job!!


I love seeing posts that are in the “creativity” category. I love seeing everyone’s different styles of writing or drawing. Sometimes I just filter posts to only show the creativity category because I love it so much.

Great poem, as usual!


This is so positive, using that natural life comparison to write about personal growth… It’s lovely :smiley:

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Beautiful :hugs::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

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