Im literally on my phone all day every day. It only ever gets up to 50% charged because i cant wait the full hour without wanting to get on my phone. I know my dad hates it but i dont care. Anyone else spend their life on the phone?
Whats your favorite thing to do? I like watching instagram videos.
And talk to my cousins and friend that has schizophrenia as well. We talk all day.
This forum, and my rss news app mostly. I use it for music too via my headphones.
My phone is connected to the charger while i use it. This toy is the best invention straight after the ball.
I spend most of my free time on my phone, but usually it’s because I am reading on the Kindle app. Before I had a phone, I used to spend all my time reading a paper book, so I don’t consider it a huge change. The upside is that I can carry thousands of books at once. The downside is that they are stored on a device that also gets emails.
Never owned a cell phone…never texted a message…
I don’t have a smart phone and the reason is it consumed too much time. And then there’s the blue light and electromagnetic radiation holding the screen very close to the face. Plus I found it stressing that the new phones needs to be charged every day.
I spend far too much time on my phone.
I spend a lot of time on my phone everyday
Can’t kick the habit
Its literally all i do. I play a game word wars. Just started. Its like scrabble. I have 3 games going at once. I suck at it
Mostly use mine for listening to music and taking photos. Some Instagram posting. Never for YouTube or other social media.
I’m always on the phone unless I’m sleeping
This forum twitter YouTube
I love how you can pretty much find the answer to anything on today’s phones. I have to purposefully put my phone down regularly or else I spend forever on it. I actually discovered this new thing called a “library” that has these square things with words printed in these things called “pages”. It’s fantastic!
Mine tells me I spend about 1.5 hours a day usually on my phone. I use my computer much of the time I am awake, but that will change to work computer soon I hope
I have been following YouTube all day on my smartphone.
Haha. I tried reading but i dont have the attention span for it.
I spent many years reading. I estimate I read 10,000 hours in my lifetime and that makes me an expert. But I’m keeping an open mind I’ll get it back for I did enjoy it. If I could do it again I’d play a musical instrument. I spend most of my time on YouTube. I don’t know what Instagram or Twitter is but I have a Facebook account.