Life is something that is present and everything else is simply absent. - Sagar Gorijala.
In other words, if you don’t exist, the world too doesn’t exist !!
Not the exact meaning, but synonymous enough.
This is my LAST QUOTE. I finally found the quote that I have been looking for, all my life.
I object other’s quote, I developed my own, even I believe that some description of Geeta is wrong.
Hey aku u can write quote from bhagbat geeta
“All you need is love.” ~ John Lennon
Its difficult to translate for me.
Why don’t u buy english bagbhat geeta …!!!
yada yada hi darmshya glanil bhawati bharata ,!!!
Any quote doesn’t describe The Life in one sentence or even in one paragraph.
Life can be described in relative terms only.
To describe life in absolute terms is something close to extremely difficult, if not impossible why
because life is infinite. Yes, Life is unlimited.
There are unlimited life forms possible to be born but,
they all have three things in common
They have something same
They have something similar
- Last - They have something different.
So, we can describe life in a sentence or two in relative terms, but not in absolute terms.
In Geeta Lord says " life after death as we change clothes " it doesn’t goes through my mind.
we die and change our forms from old to new,we are already old after it dies new soul come to take us …!!!
I born when my mother and father are live, so why I assume that I am a product of death.
Existence itself has no beginning and no end but,
life is change of form and everything that is nothing, but change of form is relative existence.
Absolute existence has no beginning and no end.
Relative existence has a beginning and an end too.
Relative existence is changing existence and life is that changing, relative existence.
So, even an immortal life form ( immortal = without death ) is actually a relatively mortal life form.
So, all life must have a beginning and must have an end.
For example our memories change, our thoughts change, we move and these are nothing but
changes in relative terms and this means we are changing life forms
all changing life forms start with an event of change and end with an event of a new change
so, all life has a beginning and an end too.
My date of birth is
19th January 1980
and my date of
opportunity for you guys to post
R.I.P - Rest In Peace
is something
unknown to me, fortunately.
good philosophies …!!! Aku u are a Zen…!!!
Thanks, but I am not.
Hah. You must not have a Teenager in your home. There’s no certainty like that of a fifteen-year-old.
I think I am mature, a 15 year child has dreams only with a risk of schizophrenia between 21 to 28. Why you said certainty I don’t understand.
I don’t even worry about her developing schizophrenia. She missed out on inheriting my heart condition and her mother’s juvenile diabetes. Those are the biggies.
I’ve discovered that pronouncements from a teenager have a finality on par with those from an Old Testament prophet.