Life is a movie with hidden script and everything else is absent

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Hi guys

Im ace and I’m a legend player playing the ANZ qualifier ( winner goes to the APAC to try win a Blizzcon spot )

I would like someone to talk to about my decks and bounce ideas off ( Skype is a must )

Also I’ve been holding off on doing this until I qualify for a invite major but I’m looking for a team now

Please comment below or add me Ace103#1126 or email

I live in New Zealand

Please include link to team website or forums main location of players and any notable players in the team

Quote from way12go >>
Hi Ace, I’m Sagar Gorijala from India and my In Game Id is [[[ SOMETHING#11519 ]]]. I’m not a legend player but I can help you.

My help —> Everything = Brain activity. Aim for the best to be the best.

I personally can’t help you with the game because I have Brain disorder. My target is to win 2017 Blizcon World Championship. I was already warned in this forum for posting about my Brain disorder so I am not going to talk about the Paranoid type Schizophrenia. I’m 36 Male single and I too need help but I’m not expert to help you. I play on NA server.

So do you think I can help?

Life is a movie with hidden script and everything else is absent.

Quote by guy named S… G… (Sagar Gorijala - random name) and all other quotes made by me/him are either garbage or redundant or of lower quality than this quote. This quote is his/my best quote and reveals the truth and journey of life in a single sentence/statement. I am happy that I finally nailed the coffin of truth and it is the only key I was searching for and happy me that I finally found the key.

Thanks friends.

My help —> Life is a movie with hidden script and everything else is absent. By Sagar Gorijala.

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Brother Raju what is going on…

Fogg is going on (Fog)

Ah! That I know. What else is going on…

Ah! Else, Fogg alone is going on. (Fog)

To win a HEARTHSTONE World Championship you need to clear the Fog in Brain Activity.

For example… Brain fog also means Brain Inflammation and me with Paranoid type Schizophrenia is similar to extreme Brain Fog… that is… extreme Brain Inflammation.

All the best, Ace.