Life has been absolutely hell

My doctor wants to do whole exome sequencing to discover my causative mutation. I’m in severe pain, dealing with a stupid delusion, been paranoid that I am being spied upon…and my muscles are getting stiffer than ever. My reflexes have been exaggerated. My tendons are all short now and now they’re turning to stone.

Life has been hell. I didn’t sign up for this.

Whatever this neuromuscular condition is, it’s ruining my ■■■■■■■ life. I want my healthy body back!

I don’t want to live my life in pain anymore.

All I want is some relief.

@naturallycured, I asked the doctor if I can try the MS diet, and he said restricting diet to certain foods is not a good idea. But keeping your recommdations, I’m keeping my diet based on veggies, protein, and fibres. I also make sure to exercise. Thanks for the suggestion!

I’m grieving my old body. I just want my life back.


There is lot i didn’t read in the smallprints when i was born.:thinking:

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