Love goes through the stomach. Learn cooking.
Can confirm. Made my boyfriend homemade banana pudding, biscuits, and chicken n dumplings. He proposed not long after.
Was not the case for me.
I was married a solid five years before I learned to boil water.
It took an intervention to get me to cook.
Now I can cook an amazing meal every night.
My husband is much happier and compliments me all the time,
But it’s not what got him to marry me.
I think that was my glowing personality and the sex.
That said, we did date a while before he proposed.
Suppose I could have gotten a ring earlier had I been able to cook.
Who knows?
Well, I didn’t mention the sex. That was a big factor. But the pudding sealed the deal
Buy a partner lol
Putting the pudding in the cup?
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