I was born to let everyone down. They wanted a boy. I let them down. I’m a girl.
It’s nothing to blame myself about, but I do anyway.
I feel like saying “Don’t tell anyone I’m a girl.”
I was supposed to be a boy. My family expected me to be one and act like one. I was raised more like a boy than a girl. But I’ve embraced my femininity now. It’s ok to be a girl. It’s ok to be feminine.
Good for you. I’m still struggling with shyness about it.
Your posts mostly seem depressive and negative.
Its sad. Maybe you have depression?
Yes. I am taking Lexapro for it but the power of my negativity is real.
Your just a person like everyone else. I’m sure you have qualities that nobody else has.
No. Someone else has the same qualities as I have. I’m not God. Darn it.
Did you try other antidepressants? They’re all different.
I don’t have depression but I have negative and cognitive symptoms, there is no meds for those.
Depression can be cured!
Don’t forget that the negativity in life is also real.
Part of the struggle is that I don’t want to hear that my parents were wrong.
Gently is the key.
Yes. Break it to me gently. (Mine broke off - lol)
Parents are imperfect. They can definitely be wrong.
I’m as dependent as a baby about that. I’ve been told that the greatest slower of progress the statement “That’s not what Mommy and Daddy said.”
It’s time to think on your own a bit. Challenge things you were told that you didn’t like growing up. Start by picking something small and inconsequential to challenge. You can do it. You just have to try.
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