We are arent we, we’re letting down the gene pool
I like to think of it as the gene pool having let down us.
We can’t help the fact that we have schizophrenia. I try not to let down my gene pool by spending time with my nieces when they visit. My advice to them hasn’t always been right, my medicine has made it difficult to keep up with them when we have played, and I haven’t always treated them as well as I should have but I never miss an opportunity to see them when they visit. My genes will survive with them although it will be less of me then my brothers. However my brothers are more prosperous then me so that is all for the better. The system I was forced to accept in order to deal with life is what keeps me in the hole and I will continue to argue for change in it to try to make it easier for the next unfortunate member of my family who may inherit this disease.
like your great great grandparents were forgotten, you will be forgoten eventually. maybe im alone in this, but i know very little about my greats
My personal pool ends with me
And @crsaen maybe when your relitives have kids you’ll be Great great greatuncle Crsean in a few generations. Be sure to do something dramatic. Maybe punch a shark in the nose if it gets too close to your little cousin when you go scuba diving. Or befriend your cousin’s a-hole cat who hates everyone else. That way whenever the kids ask about what happened to their first cat they’ll just say:
Ah Mittens. He was a real jerk. He only liked your great uncle craen and no one knows why. He’d look up at you like he wanted to be petted but he’d bite you the second you put your hand near him. Your mom still has scars. See? He was a really f****** a-hole.
its not just mentally but physically as well, our bodies are not getting enough exercise and this would also make a difference to the gene pool, i am getting fatter and that may mean i could have larger off spring too and maybe less healthy as well,
I think there is enough ammunition to blame diet alone, before bothering attacking genetics or pharmaceuticals. The quality of the foods we rely upon as our primary source of nutrients … they’re almost all genetically modified and riddled with pesticides and what nowadays. Eating well isn’t cheap like it used to be. And by that I don’t even mean seasonal organic farmers’ market produce - I just mean whole foods! It’s also hard to keep up a healthy diet and exercise regime with the frenetic demands of this modern world.
These genetic issues … what causes them? Why is there an increasing prevalence of non-hereditary isolated occurrences? It wouldn’t matter if all current schizophrenics stopped “breeding”. The problem isn’t just the chicken, but also the egg.
Also, you all are a bunch of fantastic people - VALUES, guys. Everyone is imperfect anyway. I have never seen such a concentration of creative flair in the one place other than in art-school or another cliche location.
It may be concerning, but it shouldn’t be what we concern ourselves about.
I didn’t let it down so much as I went skinny-dipping in it.
No kidding! I can get a massive package of plain pasta for $0.99. A tiny packet of whole grain pasta is $2.50. An even smaller packet of brown rice pasta is $4.00. A loaf of ancient grains bread is $5.00 vs $1.00 for white flour crap that is mostly air. The biggest reason I have my second income in our family is so we can eat food that isn’t complete garbage.
You didn’t let it down at all. Your daughter is a gift to this world.
This should be where we focus our conspiracy theory energy lol Seriously though, there is something seriously backwards about this issue and it is of far more concern to me than genetic anxiety.
Food that is less processed should be less expensive. I know that the less work I need to do to a final product in my photography biz, the less I charge the customer. So a lot of the food industry either runs backwards or prices are fixed (ogliopoly). I understand that organic will cost more because the yields are so much lower, but I don’t understand the difference between whole wheat pasta and overly processed white pasta. That’s wrong.