Let's Talk Physics

Hahahaha well let’s just say I don’t want to get an injection on the buttcheek or a pill shoved down my throat either.

Lol. Me neither!

Either neither! Oxymoronic redundancy at it’s best.

That’s why I WB frog it. Hello my lady, hello my darling…

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Hahah, I was looking for the full episode.

Lol. I actually love that song!

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Are you saying there was no energy before the universe started?

My pet theory is that the universe and all of mankind evolved from a wart on Zeus’s forehead that he scraped off when he didn’t duck his head when entering a low doorway.

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Yes I love fantasy.

I don’t believe in Einstein’s theory of relativity, because I don’t believe you can change time.
I don’t believe in the theory of the Photon being a particle, because just because we can see it, it doesn’t mean it is any different from any other wave on the electromagnetic spectrum.
I don’t think we will ever know the size of our universe, because it is just too big to ever measure the distance to the furthest galaxies.
I believe that there are many universes, and each universe is like a little bubble in foam.


You can pretty much just make things up… sprinkle in dark matter… and boom… not enough info to prove or disprove your statement…example…

dark matter is directly responsible for the big bang due to the mickey mouse shapped gravitational influx dark matter has on known matter…

Lol… mickey mouse gravitational influx theory…

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I love Albert Einstein, his contribution to science is immense and he is Time magazine’s person
of the 20th century.

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Interesting what was the theory about?

Exactly, or at least not the kind of energy we’re familiar with.

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