I say something, people vote, the next person posts another topic.
Boys gossip more than girls do
- True
- False
0 voters
I say something, people vote, the next person posts another topic.
Boys gossip more than girls do
0 voters
Burritos are easier to eat than tacos
0 voters
Fish is tastier than meat.
0 voters
Mayonnaise is great with scrambled eggs
0 voters
Refried beans aren’t fried
0 voters
No, but only because I’ve never seen anyone fill a burrito with less than twice as much filling as they should. lol
You should always wear socks with shoes
0 voters
Depends on the kind of shoe.
Haha. I’m a rebel. I voted false on every poll. Bow ye down therefore to thy Skunk.
That’s funny
15 characters
Yeah, socks with flip flop sandals are a fashion no no.
At least in my humble two cents.
I’ve totally done it. I wear socks with sandals all the time because I wear sandals all year, but I get frostbite really easily.
Ahhh I forgive ya!
You’re cool enough to get away with it.
I feel like confidence and not wearing khaki cargo shorts or cutoff jean shorts goes a long way.
Leggings are pants
0 voters
I’m currently wearing flip flops that have a rainbow on the sole of them.
Sorry @mermaid1, I’m too lazy to make a poll LOL!
Back in the high school locker room wearing Cordoroy was a blatant sign of someone’s sexual orientation. The gym teacher would rip on this kid for always wearing those types of pants.
That’s so sad.
Are they called camel toe socks? Because if not… Missed opportunity.