Let's play a game! Go ask Alice

They will answer what they say after hello, but I will asnwer the rest.

Xavier: After I say hello, I ask whether the person I am talking to whether they have read any good books lately.

Aubrey: I- (You really don’t want to know what he says… That damn perv)

Wolf: I only say hello and walk away. Nothing more. I don’t usually form emotional attachments.

Yamako: It really depends on whether I have seen them or not for a long time. It goes the same for the rest as well. That is the culture we come from.

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Now for the answers from ME.

Dandy, it really depends on why you become surprised. Were you expecting to be dead? Did you have a nightmare?

It is different for every person, honestly.

And no, alice are very sensitive about their cakes DX

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Xavier: Well, you should probably start by remembering where you last had it where you could find it, then begin your search there. It may be under a couch or chair, or a bed.

This seems kind of disrespectful to people who are hearing voices constantly, doesn’t it? When I would hear voices it wasn’t fun, it was very scary and something I’m not proud of, even if it isn’t my fault.

How do you know when they’re smiling (i.e. when you put in smileys or something)? Do you see them? Are they on command? I never had control over when I could hear them, it would just happen to me…


I truly love all the people on here, but- I also find this heart-wrenching.
… My major focus would be on maintaining and promoting wellness and preventing relapse…


this is a question thread to MY voices specifically. I don’t feel as though it is hurting anyone. I’m sorry if it comes across that way to anyone else. I may close this thread if I get more complaints about it.

Some just sounded like Anime type names, which of course was created in Japan…Yamako, Suito, Makuko, Hojo, Kikyo…
their answers are pretty cool…

This one I would like to know more about. I have actual roots in ancient Egypt through native ancesters…both my tribe and Egyptians share the same halpogroup DNA… I have had memories of pre-pyramid Egypt… I was given the word “theraputate” years before I even knew what the word was…it was the name of the Egyptian mystery school that dealt mainly with healing, and was overseen by the benevolent gods of Orion and other places…it was even incorporated somewhat into the early gnostic church mysteries…

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How about asking “when is it enough?”
When is it okay to give up?

ah. Well, Aubrey is a vampire, an immortal being, and quite the strong one. I have seen into a past of Nefertiebt, and have reason to believe that I was ehr in a past life. She was a princess that was also a priestess. I have roots as well. I am descended from Joseoph in Egypt’s wife.

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Xavier: Do not give up on ANYTHING. Giving up only makes things worse. Everyone has things happen to them for some reason or other.

I am not going to let Aubrey or Wolf talk here. They’re mean.

The others all agree with Xavier. As do I. Don’t give up on anything, especially the good things. The problems you have will lessen eventually, you just need to be perserverant. You need to keep trying.

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Vampire is most certainly connected with Egypt and the real Grail, although the true vampire is not the fanged blood sucking being of movies and horror novels. It gets into shall we say, some very deep and delicate matters…there are also psi-vampires (energy vampires) and sanguinarian vampires, of which is she?

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He. Aubrey is a male XD he is a psi-vampire of sorts.

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the mad hatter wants to know , " who took the sugar, and if you do know, would you please return it !?! ".
take care

Guard your energy then… I’ve known some people psi vampires who can be very draining. the spirit ones could be too. I had a discussion a couple years ago that psi vampires might be responsible for some mental conditions dealing with fatigue and loss of motivation. It’s possible to psi without being harmful but that is very controlled. there is shielding to protect from harmful psi, and a person can sometimes reverse things and take the energy of the psi, but the thing with taking energy is you do not want to get energy of a negative nature, so you don’t want to ‘feed’ off a negative entity, just block.

Ever read the Vampire Codex?
I don’t agree with some of the stuff in there but it has a lot of good info too

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What does Alice think about a cute little wild kid?


I am one myself :3 I try not to feed off negative energy…but anyway thank you XD

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well, since they don’t know him/her personally, they cannot give specific details, but here is their first impression of him/her.

Xavier: He seems really nice.

Aubrey: heheheheh

Wolf: …

Yamako: He seems quite sweet.

Suito: …cute.

Mokuko: awwwww…

Sakura: He’s adorable!

Hojo: A nice-looking kid.

Kikyo: I love children :slight_smile:

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My voices are not that kind of Alice, buddy XD


A question to Alice ‘Do antipsychotics cause brain damage?’

While its fine to express beliefs here - we really don’t encourage long, ongoing discussions that are re-enforcing of highly unusual (many would say “delusional”) beliefs.

So - we’re closing this discussion.