Let's hear it for equality!

So much is made of how people are different. What do you appreciate about someone, something, some trait, gender, color, stature, ect. that is not you or what you have? Or what can you post to bring all of us here together?

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Everybody likes a bit of doom


I appreciate babies… They live a secret life in their heads and no-one gives it a second thought… Also they seem like innocent creatures but there even more needy for the love and attention of everyone else…plus no one questions their sleeping and eating habits…
But I still appreciate the individual they develop into… The person that’s different from everyone else…


Ha!! What a great little tune!! Good find @Apathy!

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The mysterious thing about a babies mind, is that we all experienced it, but not one of us remembers it!!

I love listening to people talk in foreign languages. I love the rise and fall of voices, the expressions on people’s faces, I love being able to pick out the stray word here and there.

We don’t get an awful lot of it in the US, and some people can react with hostility, but I just love it. I love listening to immigrant stories, too.


Ahh @Rhubot, you are someone who grasps the nice nuances in life. I can appreciate that.

The Iranians are producing some great amateur wrestlers. They’re beating the Russians. Just about every first place match in the 2015 World Cup was between the Iranians and the Russians, with the Iranians winning four out of five times. Wrestling has become the national sport in Iran. It gets a lot of support in that country.


I appreciate normies. I also need them very badly.

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Me too. Their stability sometimes is the brace I tie myself to, to keep me from being crooked!

I am now somewhat more intrigued in that situation because of your post @crimby!

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