Let's create a chain

and see who breaks it.
Read it back after we get a ton of words or sentences.
Don’t try converse just small words about whatever but actually try to.

I’ll start it so we can see who is ill or not.

The word to start it will be HEY

Here is an example;

read it forwards than backwards.

What’s up
Not much
yeah man
what are you doing right now?
you heard me
what did you just say?
Oi mate do you see the lightning
what about it?
Not a lot just wondering

The word to start is hey.
Just join in on the conversation.
Let’s see if this forum can make a good one.


How you doin’?


Great mate’!!


word cap huh???

what’s that minni???

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How does the horse go?

Horses go to the bathroom standing up. I’ve never seen a horse sit down to pee.

(I don’t get this game)

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look at the words i wrote in the original post.
read them from top to bottom now read them from bottom to top.
now read them every second word from top to bottom now read them every second word from bottom to top now skip to the second word and do it from top to bottom now skip from the do the same going up from the bottom. Straya mate

you just broke it mate


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