Jodie Foster is trying to file for divorce with me.
I heard a guy call Coast to Coast am one night and he was adamant that Stephen King hired a hitman to kill John Lennon.
I am fat cause I have an alien baby popping out anytime.
If you build a baseball field in a corn field old ghosts of famous base ball players will join you, including their fans to sit in the stands and cheer.
Dinosaurs invented the internet. When the asteroid came they digitally uploaded their consciousness into the web. This is why there are so many trolls online, plus the occasional ankle-biter.
lol theres an 100% chance they dont know who you are and never will
Lol isn’t that from a 90s movie?
yes, and I think it makes for a perfect delusion
I once was convinced during my delusions that your IQ was based solely on how much pepperoni you’d consumed by age 5.
But I thought she was…???
Trump was our best, fairest, honest, most dignified president I’ve ever seen.
And he never let his ego get in the way of tough decisions.
And he had great hair.
I love the lovable lummox.
Wait, she actually is? 151515
If those two wanted you killed they could have it done in an instant. You’re saying they’re “trying”, implying they’re having some sort of difficulty doing it. This doesn’t make any sense.
Either that or marrying that other woman was a HUGE mistake.
I think @agent101g has won this round, LOL
The spirit of Marilyn Monroe has possessed my body, and for some reason she’s attracted to the mailman
I am your father
May the force be with you.
Popular sports like curling are used by the elites to control the masses…
A funny delusion: that my toe is gonna devour me