Lemon blackberry cake


Uploading you some Atorvastatin for your cholesterol. Take it at night, after you eat some cake lololol

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Hell, been taking them like candy already for months. No grapefruit juice for this kid until 2085.


Ohhhhh. Thanks for reminding me why I can’t have grapefruit or grapefruit juice. I knew one of them had a warning. Yaaaaaaaay you!


Hi @JustTrish, I’m sorry you have those conditions. Must be pretty tough for you. You seem to have a cheery attitude despite them.

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I try to do my best. Thanks for noticing. I find that if I can be there for others, it distracts me for a bit. You’re very sweet. Thank you very much!


Hello @Ninjastar

Can you please place this sentence in my tagline:

Made of light, we are lunar tricks.

Many thanks in advance.

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Done! That will cost three pictures of cats, fancy desserts, or outer space!

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:laughing: Thanks a million, @Ninjastar Much appreciated!

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I like that tag line lols


Thanks very much, @anon39015889 :slightly_smiling_face:

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