Learning to eat healthier, actually kind of fun

I’m having a good time trying to experiment and plan a healthy diet, something that is tailored to me and helps me lose weight and feel good.

Normally I’m either eating all kinds of junk, or if I’m trying to lose weight, I only really know how to do extremist unhealthy things, like living on soda crackers and diet pop.

Today I tried out raw fruitarian and it was alright. I felt positive knowing that almost everything I ate was full of nutrients like Vitamin C. However I found out from researching that the grapes I ate were basically just watery sugar balls and didn’t have much nutrition, so I will X the grapes in the future.

Today felt good but I don’t think I want to do raw, I would like to cook a bit. Right now I feel excited about trying wild rice, which I have never had before. It has a lot of protein and iron, and magnesium in it. It would be a good way to get more protein and iron if I want to try out veganism.

I also have to get a B12 supplement from the pharmacy sometime in the next couple of weeks.

I’m gonna try to make a wild rice dish that includes green peas and basil and spinach leaves.

So far this is one thing about being better/healthier that isn’t scary or really that hard, but actually kind of fun and interesting. Feels like playing alchemist in the grocery store / kitchen.

Today I had bananas, grapes, strawberries and walnuts.


Yes a good diet=a good mood. You’ll be energized,really the best you have ever felt.
And I can drink fruit juice forever…

The benefit comes, as you have pointed out, not from the actual health benefits of a healthy diet, although that does have some psychological upswing. The benefit comes from the gathering and preparing of the food. It gives you a brief, heady pleasure and can persist if you take it seriously enough and keep at it. The body can actually know itself as healthy if you keep at it.

Vegan chili: One can of black beans, one can of chili beans, one can of corn, one can of kidney beans, and one large can or crushed tomatoes. Put it all in a pot with spices and cook it down. Make some rice to mix in with the chili. One pot can feed Fiance and I for a whole week. It is seriously the easiest dish in the world to make.

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I became a vegan earlier this month. Its been exciting! I love to eat healthy, it uplifts the mind too :blush: I’m studying nutrition now too. Its been very interesting what I learned.

i think that your progresss is great

Healthy eating is not easy,having knowledge and the motivation to commit on healthy eating will be very beneficial on the person.“We are what we eat”,I also would need to learn how to eat healthier,:grin:

i think the key on the healthy diet is how to turn healthy but not delicious food to delicious things.for example you can fry fresh beans with mix of soy sauce and butter and when you use this fried fresh beans with good mediterrian salad you can enjoy healthy diet.

So now for the real fun part. Trying to figure out the differences between

  1. “detox” symptoms
  2. diet error
  3. actually being sick

I am dizzy and nauseated today, out of nowhere. I’ve had some pecans, a banana and an orange for breakfast, and then some red kidney beans for lunch. Been drinking water and one mug of black coffee.

I feel like I have the flu out of nowhere. Gah.

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Sadly with the drugs I take only very extreme diets will do which takes the fun out of cooking. I wish I could fix fried potatoes and add stuff to it again but I know better. It’s also disheartening to go to a restaurant and see drinks like strawberry lemonade and cherry limeade knowing I have to pass them up along with the bread I continue to avoid. It’s disheartening to me that I gain a lot more weight on the same foods that my relatives eat without a similar effect. But you have to do what you have to do.

I drink a lot of 1% fat milk, and I drink two glasses of juice a day. Sometimes I eat frozen vegetables. Other than that, I don’t eat that healthily. It’s all sandwiches, crackers, and pizza rolls.