Anyone been able to learn a new language despite their diagnosis?
I learned English and that went ok but i managed to learn basics of it before I got really sick.
It’s difficult to learn language or musical instruments as an adult. I still dream about learning piano… I like Bruce Hornsby especially the tune ‘mandolin rain’.
I used to be really really dull with music by playing melodies as nauseum(sp).
Finally became passionate about the poetics the lyrics.
It’s a pipe dream though because I think my hands won’t like the feeling of the piano keys.
As for language I have thought about Spanish. The garden variety negative symptoms make me ‘lazy’ there.
I find that ADD is a greater impediment to organised study than schizophrenia, but then I’m not sure I’m all that schizophrenic (see my topic on that issue).
Anyway, back when I was a total neuroscience geek, I came to learn that pretty much all dopamine dysregulation disorders come with learning impairment. That includes ADD, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease, and depression (and more that don’t come to mind).
But yes, it’s still possible to learn, so don’t give up.
Beginning Spanish is easy to learn but, it gets harder. My son has ADHD. It was hard for him to get his homework done in school. He is doing very well now that he is an adult and has a good job. He’s lucky he didn’t have to deal with social anxiety like me as a child and then sz as an adult. I didn’t have trouble learning in school but, it was hard to work. I had to eventually go on disability due to the stress.
I tried duolingo but never got far.
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