First you lay the egg. The human egg. You break open the egg and inside is a device that lets you talk to aliens. Egg laying aliens. Maybe they look like ants, maybe they look like natalie portman. They all sing like bon jovi though.
This is wonderful, please go on.
I like Judge Millian better.
I hate to be negative but what if the aliens sing like ants? Are you sure you thought this through?
judge joe brown also concurs
Keep the eggs coming. Made shakshuka for supper this evening. Highly recommended.
When Bon Jovi first hit it big with their hit, “Wanted Dead or Alive” I was 27 and living by myself in a studio that barely fit my bed and a chest of drawers. When I took hot showers, the steam peeled off most of the paint on my walls.
I lost almost 30 lbs without noticing it due to spending virtually all my food money on crack and my only source of food was getting two bags of groceries for free from the church near my house. I didn’t notice I had lost the weight until my friends pointed it out. I lived mainly on Top Ramon, canned tuna, and if I got lucky I would get a can of peaches. I had no refrigerator so I rarely had milk or fresh food. Who said the drug life isn’t fun?