Whats on the agenda tonight? I just fainted for some weird reason and I’m feeling really lightheaded, might grab a banana or something not sure. I’m just chilling listening to music relaxing as much as i can. I’m not feeling all that well but oh well, I’ll be okay!
Fainting is usually for a reason. At least hook up with your regular doctor and get the basics checked like blood pressure etc…Our bodies tell you things and don’t be slack on responding to them.
You think so? I been having them for some time now and have been feeling off with my symptoms as well, they kind of exacerbate them everytime i do faint. I will, hopefully he listens lol.
Yeah do it. Can be weird things but get them seen to straight away. It’s not normal and thus the problem. It might be something simple…don’t take the risk it’s something serious!
Yeah I think you’re right. And I know your not just trying to scare me, now thinking about it i did fall and hit my elbow due to the fainting, so I will get it sorted out, its essential. Thank you man, it really made me realize how much I’m putting this off.
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