Last minute request from a friend

So my friend is getting married tomorrow. I knew about the whole thing, but his best man, an active duty Navy Sailor, was called away suddenly and wont be there for the wedding…I have been asked to take the place of best man.

Not sure if I should, I was going anyway, but, as best man I have to give a speech, and stand up in front of all those people. it makes me sick to think about it. But this guy has been a good friend, one of the few who stayed with me after I told them about my diagnosis…

I will gladly accept any advice from all you folks. I put this in Diagnoses Recovery because the stress is because of my SZ

I think that this is natural stress a lot of people would feel. I would try breathing exercises it really helps me with my anxiety.

I was best man at a wedding. Make sure you prepare a speech beforehand and just read it out. Don’t wing it. Keep the speech to about 5 minutes.

Search the internet for example speeches and or templates.

Sometimes when I am faced with a tough situation I find that I can rise to the occasion. Sometimes I surprise myself. I was my dads best man at his wedding to my step-mom years ago. It was one of the proudest moments of my life to do that. Afterwards, it was my job to give a toast at the reception in in a crowded hotel room in front of 25 people. It went really well. If you decide to do It might help you relax to know that you are playing in front of a friendly crowd. They might be strangers but no one will wish you ill. They are there to celebrate and no one will be acting nasty and they probably won’t bug you.

somewhat comforting…this wedding will have 200 guests though…(big familes on both sides, plus my friend is military so everyone he has ever met while in the Air Force is going to be there…)

I’m doing it, its really short notice but i agreed to it, i will likely not sleep at all tonight, but the weddig isn’t until 2 pm. my GF is going with me for support as are all three of my dogs, all of whom will be added to the ceremony ( my friend wants my GSDs to guide his two nieces down the aisle as flower girls)