Lara's Law court case info available online?

I had to take antipsychotics under Lara’s Law (a California law) in 2013. I went to court and they took minutes. I’m wondering if one can find any information on the court cases online. I want to see something official that says I have schizophrenia. It might help with my unusual beliefs. Thanks.

What county was it?

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Nevada County.

You can try this website and see if your case is in here. This is on the county of Nevada’s website.

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Tried many searches, couldn’t find anything. Is there something one’s psychiatrist can show them that proves they’ve been officially diagnosed with schizophrenia?

I say talk to your Pdoc or Nurse Practitioner about these feelings or your therapist and see what they can come up with in the way of proof for you. There has to be something in writing to show you so you can see it for yourself.

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Thanks, I will. I see my nurse and personal service coordinator tomorrow.

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You’re welcome. I’m sure they have something to show you.

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You could ask for access to your records. I have access to mine through the online patient portal, and it clearly says schizoaffective.

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