Lack of a sense of self - "minimal self"

Okay, now I understand. @flybottle I posted it quite fast without any further thought.

Mostly because i like the more broad phenomenological, non reductionist approach to SZ and wanted to introduce it.

There is too much neuro-stuff about schizophrenia.

@NotSeksoEmpirico - i think he is right if i understand him right. (i just skimmed an essay, i forgot what i have read by him)

Here are two quotes about Gallagher’s view.

“in the case of normal active voluntary
movement or thought, the sense of agency and
ownership are indistinguishable. In that the sense of
agency is, furthermore, implicit in the action or
thought itself, there is no need, for one to introspectively
determine whether or not one is the agent in terms of
one’s overall intentional psychology”

“Agency, for Gallagher, is built into our voluntary actions and is
not something one decides upon or verifies after the
fact. Neither the appeal to intentions to think, nor the
notion of a feeling of conscious effort in thinking, is
in keeping with our normal phenomenology”

I often find myself detached from my own body and natural sense of self. Im thinking about thinking and what thoughts are (the quality, not the content)

When im in a good period i rarely ask these questions, i have a natural, implicit sense of self, agency and my thoughts are just a natural flow.

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I think both are superfluous and incoherent concepts

@flybottle My psychiatrist - a keen phenomenologist- might disagree but I look forward to reading your definitive text on the subject.