Kundalini, synchronicity, possession

Hi, my name is Maria and I want to get to the bottom of what’s happened to me and whether other people have had similar experiences, I was seeing a lot of connections and synchronicity and then had a kundalini awakening which is powerful, felt blissful but soon after I had this experience with the number 666 when an evil wind energy blew through me and from that day I have felt possessed by demons and the devil, I can’t look at pictures of skeletons, death or any psychos from films, it feels as if I am them when I do and I sense evil inside me. Scares me so much , I also see my thoughts reflected everywhere , what ever I think, people talk about, and is in the newspaper etc so I became spider woman and began connecting and making webs, but docs define me not as revelation art or creative but schizophrenic. Wonder if anyone else sees syncs all the time and or possessed by the devil, is it real or mental illness. What if some of us have been possessed? And why do we see more connections?

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thought i would say hi.
as sz we analyse… what does not need analysing.
we are not god…otherwise we would instantly be able to change things .
we cannot forsee the future…otherwise we would all be lottery winners.
hope this helps. :sunny:
take care :alien:


Sounds like one of those premature awakenings one can experience. This is said to make one a bit crazy.

Schizophrenics prefer neutral stimulus regarding the things involved in there psychosis.

It is just a psychosis. The more you think it’s real the more real it will become.

There is a path way out of this but you might lose your sense of being human along the way.

We are robots in a cold chaotic indifferent universe. All that makes you feel alive is a trick to give us the will to keep on living.

The world and sky and other creatures will always be beautiful. Beyond that though. Nothing imatterial is real.

I understand it’s hard to let go of depth that these kinds of things provide. But the sooner you find reality the sooner you’ll realize how deeply miraculous and intrancing it is on its own.

Good luck.


Well said and very insightful.

Every time I’ve experienced heavy psychosis it starts and ends the same way. For me there is almost no “buffer period”. From blissful to horrifying like a switch being flipped.
Horrifying doesn’t even describe it. It all seems impossible until you finally surface and then you are presented with endless questions with no sufficient answers until you seek help.

This forum has many brilliant “seasoned vets”. Use the search function to look for answers to questions you may be too embarrassed to ask. Cheers

Speaking for myself, I have an illness, it’s mostly treatable, and accepting that treatment gave me back a wonderful life.


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pixel i had a very similar experience. it’s very hard to deal with. i keep thinkingi’m going to hell. i was attacked by many demons. been trying to fisght it on my own but i finally gave in and am going to get professional help.


Love to yoU firstly. Yes I have felt that way a few times. I had an awakening too a year after I felt my head was possessed by them things too. To be honest I wasnt dealing very well with very stressful events that were occurring in my life, not sleeping, thinking negative thoughts and was surrounded by negativity and back stabbing jealous people. One day I went up stairs to lie down because all my joints were extremely painful I could hardly move ( no exaggeration)i’d never lay down like that any other Time during d day. I Passed out real quickly and wen I woke up I was crying because my joints were worse. During d course of the next few weeks, my body began vibrating in different areas, my hands were tingling and my spine and back was very painful. This went on for a few weeks on and off. I thought I was gonna cracking up. I was vibrating at such a low level I began to attract bad vibes and things that I’d rather not talk about. I feel for u really. I have taken no meds and have gone through the weirdest 2 yrs in my life. Although, it’s getting much better as I do what I want now. I left my job in mental health as I felt it was bull. I’ve learned that everything is energy and vibration and when I practice positive thinking, no matter how fkd up d situation is around me I don’t attract d negative stuff as much. It’s been a long road but by seeing us all as one and how we are all connected it’s been worth it. Hope u are able to raise that vibe. Much love xxx oh yeah synchronicity was unreal too. Along with seeing 1111, and many other double numbers each time I looked at a clock, numberplate, phone, receipt, etc… I get d numbers everyday reminding me to b positive and let go of the fear I have learned. It’s amazing considering how clueless to Kundalini, synchronicity and all that goes with it. Peace Maria :v:

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Also Maria, everyone I believe( My belief) attracts stuff at one time or another. Call it possession, well that’s what it felt like for me, but u need to know that you choose your thoughts Meaning what we think attracts good or bad sht! you are so much more powerful than you think. :v:

Please note there are many underground theories and philosophies centered around uncanny sciences. Few are aware enough to take notice of these sciences at play and the theories are taught only in expensive college courses concerning psychiatry, metaphysics, quantum physics and epistemology.

It is a known science that if you have a good number of indirect references to these philosophies, the standard human will subconsciously reconstruct the entirety of the theory.

If you’re not aware that you are doing this you might mistake these ideas as your own and that you ‘broke life.’

In some instances, if surrounded by a lot of films (ie: David Lynch) or music (ie; Smashing Pumpkins) featuring scenes or lyrics that don’t make sense, you only have to build back some of these ideas to instantly and quickly begin understanding all of what was previously accepted as only nonsense.

Don’t regard the artists as ‘Devils’ or ‘Trolls’ but rather just be grateful they’ve left hint that you’re not alone while wandering, seemingly, uncharted ‘Wonderlands.’