Years ago in my forties I went through this period where everybody else seemed to know something I didn’t know. And they were all in on it. It was maddening and lasted several months, maybe even half a year. And then one day…I knew!! All of a sudden, I was in on the joke and it was pretty simple.
Argh I see what you’re doing here!
That’s terrible of you!
Now I’m confused!
umm, what was it?
I think it’s meant to be a joke.
I’d just like to know what my wife knows!
This is how my brothers first symptoms showed so clearly to me…kept saying he knows were all in on it and that he’ll forgive me if I told him. I hope one day he feels he"knows", still eats him alive that he doesn’t…
@77nick77 @flybottle @Minnii @shutterbug
The last think I want to “know” (meaning believe) is what everyone else “knows” (meaning…). (Considering how “knowledge” – which is actually just belief – is taught, trained, in-struct-ed, conditioned, socialized, habituated and normalized into the innocent minds of the masses.
Are there ways “out” or “around” this social conditioning to the delusionality that – in its more extreme forms – comes to be psychosis? I think so.
Psychotherapies for that currently include…
. - the even newer somatic psychotherapies like…
. - or standard CBTs, like…
Schematherapy –
Learned Optimism –
Standard CBT – & scroll down
. - Get two or more of those “down,” and one can use the skills therefrom in this way to combat delusional thinking and emotional reactivity very quickly: 10 StEP –
Yeah but I had the delusion that everyone had a secret that I didn’t know… this kinda proves it!!!
jk, meds are good, I’m all better now, CBT works, yay!
It has often been observed that the prodromal phase is characterized by a rejection of the very social norms one was conditioned to live by. See the rebel thread.
Of course. In most sz patients (of any age, actually), it often looks like an extreme form of the adolescent struggle for autonomy. BUT… they display a sort of “rebound effect” – or hyper-rejection – of their IN-the-box delusionality in favor of what seems to them to be an OUT-of-the-box position, but is not. It’s no less delusional than the (typically rule-bound, “compressing”) belief system they came from. They simply reject one form of un-reality for another.
(I have seen this soooooooooooo many times, it will be very difficult to sway my conviction here. Shrug.)
That’s why I keep touting the therapies listed below for those who become sufficiently emotional stabilized on meds to be able acquire the reality-determination skills they teach.
- Psychotherapies for that currently include…
MBSR – Welcome to the Mindful Living Blog
MBCT - Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy: theory and practice - PubMed
ACT – ACT | Association for Contextual Behavioral Science
. - the even newer somatic psychotherapies like…
MBBT – An Introduction to Mind-Body Bridging & the I-System – New Harbinger Publications, Inc
SEPT – Somatic experiencing - Wikipedia
SMPT – Sensorimotor psychotherapy - Wikipedia
. - or standard CBTs, like…
REBT – Rational emotive behavior therapy - Wikipedia
Schematherapy – Schema therapy - Wikipedia
Learned Optimism – Learned optimism - Wikipedia
Standard CBT – Psychotherapy | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness & scroll down
. - Get two or more of those “down,” and one can use the skills therefrom in this way to combat delusional thinking and emotional reactivity very quickly: 10 StEP – Pair A Docks: The 10 StEPs of Emotion Processing
oh, I get it, guess I was the butt of that joke!
Yes. A prime example being global warming. I looked at the raw data (what raw data was released, that is – global warming adherents are now blocking access to it or doing their best to stick us with ‘adjusted’ data instead). I looked at the source of the raw data. It’s very apparent that we don’t have a problem, but good luck telling the recipients of received wisdom that.
Or… maybe not. Well… Do you actually know for sure? (I usually reserve judgment until I have observed the evidence.)
The planet does seem to be warming up in terms of annualized averages. IDK why. Are you saying that the vast majority of meteorologists are fibbing?
I know that they’re using faulty data when it comes to surface temperatures:
I also question the value of their adjustments given that they’ve yet to produce a working predictive computer model when it comes to today’s temperatures. I’m also pretty sure it’s a bad sign whenever scientists try to hide the raw data from people who are trying to reproduce published results.
Edit: My opinion at this time is that we don’t have enough evidence to say for certain one way or another and it would be nice if we could stop with the histrionics/lawsuits/politics and get on with actual scientific study instead.
I’ll buy that.
And that.