Klonopin sore throat and hangover

I was feeling a bit anxious yesterday so I decided to take a small amount of Klonopin.
It was generic brand Clonazepam, usually I take the brand name.

This morning I woke up to a sore throat and sore leg muscles, also felt hungover.

I looked up these side effects and they were connected to Klonopin use.

I never had these side effects on brand name Klonopin.

Yeah you live and lean.

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I’m prescribed two klonopin a day.

If I take them both at night,

I wake up with a terrible hangover.

Every time.

I don’t know why klonopin does that, but it surely does.


Yeah woke up this morning and felt like I got hit by a truck! :smile:

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I’m sorry that happened to you. I hope you’re feeling better now.

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Yeah feeling better now, thanks @Leaf

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You’re welcome @Wave

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