Kings of Leon: Joe's Head

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Ah that’s right you had that as your avatar for a while right?

Good band.

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whewph! Good stuff.

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Glad you like! 1515151

That’s hypnotic! I groove on it.

Go to What Does Your Username Mean, and post your ID.

I love it when they rhyme something like ‘karma’ with ‘charmer’

They definitely deserve all their fame.

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Cool as hell.

Like 'em better than U2.

Cool. Same here.

This was long before they started selling out to just writing catchy tunes:

Babylon vs Zion

Good content in the lyrics. (He’s saying goodbye to western society(babylon) and the ideologies it sustains.)

I love this band.

So many people were so mad when they went mainstream.

Follow the money, right?

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Yeah it was good for a while.

And if anyone cares at this point one more:

I’m still trying to figure out how the FFFF that light set up is built. I think the artists are just effing with us.

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The first one very trippy, the next flurescent bulbs with hologram light projected upon them.

Just my guess. They have this on holidays around here, a projector in their yard beaming light to their garage door of an image.

Don’t you think?

I thought that was possible but there is a guy who walks in front of it.

I still that might be what it is and the guy is green screened in just to throw off the projector theory, but that seems kind of ridiculous as well. I really just don’t get it.

well it could be the bulbs themselves, like they have in museums for sound and light effect.

I don’t know.

It’s super dynamic. It would have to be digitally controlled. I was thinking there could be leds in the bulbs. I don’t know. There just isn’t any clear telling what it is.