Sure you can do that but do you want to be chained to that type of life you have to feed the illness long enough to keep the voices around honey don’t really want to do that it wrecks everything
Good advice. The people who play with their voices are the ones who are sickest, longest.
I know the voices are a short circuit where my brain isn’t communicating properly with auditory system and thoughts become voices yadayada
That being said I’ve been known to miss or kind of encourage familiar voices to return
Always think they are going to be pissed at me for ignoring them and they never are
Sometimes it’s like trama therapy forcing myself to acknowledge it can and is happening and it doesn’t mean I’m in full psychosis on the contrary facing them makes me feel less sickly and helpless
A possibility -
My voices are other identities from the subconscious mind. I can never ever manipulate them, they have a mind of their own and morph over time, though one seems he’s really still the same guy, like Buddy Love in THE NUTTY PROFESSOR. I dissociated when I was 19 and repressed my sexual desire to have heaven on earth. I found hell instead.
I would euthanize my voices if I could.
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