Keep it or toss it? Sister's wedding invite

I moved yesterday, so I went through all my things. I couldn’t get myself to toss my sister’s wedding invite from a year ago.

I fear keeping it may do more harm than good, considering she wants nothing to do with me and it makes me sad. But if/when she wants me in her life, it might be nice for her to know I kept it.

Poll? Poll.

  • Keep it
  • Toss it

0 voters

I don’t want to vote but I just thought I would mention; I havn’t read an email or text or checked a voicemail from anyone other than my dad in more than 5 years but I don’t delete them in case some day I want to catch up. I realize that the voicemails will be automatically deleted but I think maybe someday I will be ready.

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I kept my bother’s invite until he divorced her. I don’t really get along with my bother that well, but I still love him you know.


If it makes you sad, toss it.

If you reconcile later, I’m sure she’s got a box of those thing stashed away somewhere and would be happy to give you one.

I got married 11 years ago and just got rid of my unused wedding invitations.

You always get more than you need.

Even if she doesn’t,

It’s just a thing, odds are good a thing that’s just clutter.

I’d throw it away, but I don’t really understand sentimental objects.


I keep all of my christmas and birthday cards and I got a wedding invite from my friend from years ago I kept. I think it’s nice to keep things people have put a effort to make for me. Also they might give good memories. But if it is from someone I had a falling out with I’m not sure what I would do. If there was no prospect of reconsiliation I would probably throw it away. Actually I did. I got rid of all the pictures of my ex, but we had a extremely bad breakup. Long story. Anyways it just didn’t seem right to have her pictures after that I decided.

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I would throw it away.

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I think you should keep it if it feels like you don’t want to turn down the potential for that relationship to heal.

If you are ready to be done with her in your life, I would set it aside.

If she has children and you want to talk to them eventually, maybe they would miss it as a keep sake if their mother passes. So in that event maybe you should keep it.


I say keep it.
You never know.

I feel like if I throw it out, I’m losing the last remainder of her, thus acknowledging she might never come back.
I don’t know if I’m ready for that.


Could you give it to a friend for safekeeping?

I toss all wedding invites if I get to the mail first. Life is better that way.

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It’s small. You can throw it into like a catch all drawer or something. No big deal

Don’t get too attached to stuff. If it makes you sad, get rid of it.

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I tend to get attached to items. I was a borderline hoarder for a while


I have been so angry with family members, that I thought it couldn’t be healed. But time has proven me wrong, and I’m glad I didn’t break that tie forever

I don’t like everything about my siblings, but I do love them still

For me its pointless. Either contact her and make an effort to try and reach out, or stop blaming yourself for a failed relationship. Either way keeping the piece of paper doesn’t mean anything. Unless Im missing something?

Toss it. Otherwise it’s just a little piece of negativity, and you don’t need that in your life. You have enough to deal with already

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Keep it in a box somewhere, in case you change your mind. You don’t have to look at it.

It doesn’t take up a lot of space, so I’d keep it with other memorabilia that is mostly out of sight.

I had a very contentious relationship with my father, so much that I speak about it on here often. Some years ago, in a fit of anger, I threw most of the mementos of him I had away. I still feel much ill will towards him, but I wish I had kept all that. I’m not a hoarder or anything, I’m actually sort of a minimalist, but you never know how feelings or situations will evolve over time. It’s not like a 27" CRT TV that weighs 100 pounds. I say keep it for posterity.