Keep getting scammed

internet shopping
and a fake criminal records check company asking for ridiculous money for clearance to work

so angry with myself

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It’s best to be sceptical and only deal with reliable sources.

Hope you avoid scammers in the future.

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If you spend alot online like i do - i recommend, where you can create virtual payment cards. Its not a con, been using it for years - and that way your actual bank cards not all over the internet x


I get scammed on a regular basis. Always the same kind of people calling me saying i have debt on credit cards (which I don’t)


Scam the scammers.

Yeah, tell them you will be right back and then leave the phone sitting for an hour and go do something else :stuck_out_tongue: . Waste their time like they do yours.


I use “serve” by American Express. Debit only, NO fees except $1/ mo fee. Simple, boring, works. I’ve had it forever, no problems. BUT I only keep enough on it for the items I expect to buy. I wouldn’t leave a large standing balance on it, mainly because I’m paranoid. I doubt there would be a problem, but my double mind says…


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