Has anyone else heard of K2 or Bath salt being known to cause sudden Schizophrenia.
My 18 yr old just went through this.
Developed Neroleptic Malignant Syndrome as well after bring treated for schizophrenia with a antipsychotic. Neroleptic malignant syndrome is very life threatning.
All because of this K2 having doctors belive she was schizophrenic.
What’s k2? Bath salts don’t cause schizophrenia.
K2 is spice or synthetic marijuana
Bad stuff
That’s terrible stuff
This is an information site by DC municipality
More generally - marijuana and other drugs have been known to speed up the onset of psychosis / schizophrenia. I don’t think any research has been done on K2 or Bath Salts (drug types) because they are too new.
Read more here:
I don’t know if bath salts cause schizophrenia, but there are reports of them making people do horrible things, in case you haven’t heard. One man high on bath salts tried to gnaw the face of another man. Whew! Bad stuff! Bad, bad stuff!
Maaan… I’m out of my depth on this one.
I didn’t realise bath salt was slang.
After the face-eating incident I had a rough idea that it was, but I still get indignant and confused when I hear it, it makes me feel so unhip and old. Bath salts are a real thing! The name is already in use! You kids need to come up with a new name!
Bath salts just recently they have found out is causing schizophrenic tendicies.
Case right here in iowa.
My daughter and her friend both smoked something. They both thought it was Marijuana and the drug test showed Marijuana. Both girls ended up having schizophrenia pycosis. …
At about the same time. Both ended up in the ER
Friend ended up in the pysc ward. My daughter ended up being shot up with a 30 day slow releasing haldol decanoate 100mg injection and set home.
That was on the 8th. By the 12th,she was back up in the ER even worse. They diagnosed her with schizophrenia pycosis. Put her on more antipsychotics zeprexa 5mg and sent her hime. By the 19th she was near death. Admitted to the ICU for 5 days. And then down to medical floor for 15 days. She now is at home,still suffering from Neroleptic malignant syndrome Due to the negligence of the ER doctors. They shot her up with antipsychotic that caused life threatning side effects that she had to suffer from for 30 days if not longer. Her nervous system is all out of whack,her liver is at risk of damage,and her eyesight is almost gone.
Before thinking one day you just all of a sudden developed schizophrenia,be sure it truly is the cause.
That is extremely horrible. It reconfirms my intense fear of psychiatry, especially in relation to shots. I hope your daughter gets better.
Because the ER doc never screened for drug use? Or because the patient refused to tell the doc? Or? Or? Or? WTF happened here? This a horror story that definitely should not have happened given typical standard procedures in ERs now.
Have you seen a malprac attorney yet? But the first thing he or she will ask is pretty obvious. And this sort of thing does happen a fair amount because the adolescent patient is too fearful of getting into “trouble.” Regardless, the compounding of the original error is really egregious and unusual. Where do you live?
cc: @Msea
Yes we have a Malpractice attorney.
Reason for very first ER Visit had nothing to do with schizophrenia. We went to the ER because my daughter had not slept but maybe 10hrs in 6 days.
Which in itself will cause a person to become paranoid,have hallucinations and have agitation and irritability. Also because my daughter had admitted to smoking something with a friend,they thought was Marijuana.
The doctor did do a drug test and it did show Marijuana in her system. This is when the ER doctor started telling us of K2 and Bath salts. And how these young kids and adults are smoking, what they think is Marijuana,but turning out to be mixed with K2 or bath salts. He also told us in the past month the hospitals have seen over 20 cases of this.
Said it’s undectable in a drug test which makes it so hard for them to treat proberly.
Then after all this he decides to give my daughter a 30 day injection,and Ontop of that the maximum amount 100mg.
The hospital in a meeting with us admitted the negligence of the ER doctor. You do not give anyone a 30 injection of a antipsychotic unless that person has been monitored on a antipsychotic for 5 to 7 days with low doses in the past.
My daughter had never taken a antipsychotic ever in her life. Therfore,he knew as a doctor to NOT give thst injection,and especially not that high of a amount.
The friend my daughter smoked with also ended up in the ER two nights later. Her parents brought her up because she was in their words "going crazy"
The friend was admitted to the pysc ward for drug induced schizophrenia,my daughter on the other hand ended up in the ICU due to her ER doctor two days prior,feeling like he was GOD and gave her a 30 day dose of Haldol.
Actually - one of the biggest issue with sudden-onset schizophrenia or psychosis is that the person takes medication when they are in the hospital and then as soon as they are out they stop and its frequently very hard to get them back into the hospital and back on medications - and the psychosis takes over again.
Thats why many families request that the doctors give the 30 day injection and perhaps why doctors give it in a case like your daughter’s. Its not that they aren’t trying to be helpful - in most cases in a situation like your daughters the parents would be very appreciative to have their son or daughter compliant with medications and becoming sane again.
NMS is actually a very rare event - but obviously very serious.
Lots of parents here have had a tough time getting the 30 day injection - and really want it. So - it doesn’t on the face of it sounds like malpractice. Most parents here would be very thankful.
How is your daughter doing from a mental standpoint?
My daughter did not need a injection. She didn’t refuse to take medications. She has never needed medications.
The 30 day haldol shot yes is for that. It is used to treat patients who have previously been diagnosed with some type of mental illness,and has been refusing to take their medication. My daughter’s case is not like this. We came there for totally different reasons. Lack of sleep,insomnia basicslly. And because we were Co cerned of what she had smoked.
Totally different situation were speaking of.
My daughter had never ever taken a antipsychotic before in her life because she has never needed too.
We never had a issue with her mental Status.
Not grateful because instead of treating her for the insomnia and drug use. He looked at her condition as a mental issue and took it upon himself to give her a haldol shot.
She has never been diagnosed with a mental illness.
That’s the kind of situation @SzAdmin is talking about, though - sudden onset psychosis. In those situations, there often isn’t any previous history, and there is a big issue with non-compliance after leaving the hospital. Not sleeping for 6 days is a flag for mania or psychosis.
I have no idea what the treatment protocol should be for these situations. I just think @SzAdmin did have a situation like your daughter’s in mind when he posted.
I am so sorry that your daughter has had such an awful experience. I hope she recovers fully and quickly.
The doctor knows that if a patient has never taken a antipsychotic before,you can not give the decanoate injection due to the servere risk like Neroleptic malignant syndrome.
Patients need to be monitored on a antipsychotic medicine ast low doses for a short period of time before increasing a dose.
So giving my daughter a 100mg with her never taking a antipsychotic ever before was not the right decison. And hospital admitted this,and reprimanded him for his carelessness. They apologized to me and my daughter.
But I’m sorry apologizes doesn’t erase the fact she suffered for 30 days and still is suffering.
OT Pt a home nurse has to ckme.i to our home 2 to 3 times a week. Her CK levels and liver levels checked weekly,due to muscular breakdown and possible.liver damage.
She’s 18,just earned her carpenters license before all this,was active with friends and family. Just got her drivers license and about to buy her first car. Had two jobs.
Now she feels she has nothing. And as a mother yes I’m pissed.