Just waiting for the coffee to kick in

Sitting here sipping coffee, trying to wake up. It’s 3am. I’m going to go do laundry as soon as the coffee kicks in. What are you doing?


We have a lot in common. I was dollar_menu and we used to mix it up a bit. I’m on the east coast but I know about sleep problems. Are you still on abilify or the (what I think is related) rexulti? I have experience with activating meds(Vraylar too).

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yes, I take rexulti. I also went to bed really early.


I understand. Just checking that you’re content as an uber-morning person. I am too. We both maximize sunlight with our circadian rythyms is what I think. I live with my folks though and they are night owls. Sometimes these differences make me wonder if I’m having too much ‘idle hands’ or more loneliness than I should.

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Just thinking about new work beginning tomorrow… kind of nervous. Have to wake up same time as you around 3 am. It’s 7:27pm here


Congrats on the new job, what are you going to be doing?

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I think I understand, but for me I’m fairly content I think.

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I’ll be working in the kitchen in elderly home… not too excited much, but job is a job…:confused:how about you??

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I wrote “idle hands”, (as in the devil’s play things.) People butcher this quote, and thus I’m unsure is I am too : )

I speak with too many references, and have got to remind myself that words matter.

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Below is ‘my office’ set up’ I’m showing off the Verilux ‘Happy Light’.

Two separate PDocs said it’s good and effective.

We now have two in the house.

Edit: I also have an Amazon Echo device and will certainly spruce up the walls with prints.


Morning, @Leaf

Just getting kids up here. Already have the senior off to school. The rest have virtual. I have work today, going to be processing some books and movies so they can be put on the shelves and checked out.

My friend sent 3 of her books and my husband went through our movies, so basically I made work for myself, lol

Our library won a grant for renovation! I’m excited to see what the place looks like when finished. We purchased new circulation desks the other week. They aren’t in yet, but even when they get in we won’t be using them until renovation on the book room is done.

Lots of work ahead!


having coffee and a cigarette, like every morning.



Shoot. I feel like you could have acknowledged me, too.

You’re wrong about me; If you don’t like me.

Keep an open mind on me, all I ask is that you don’t make this place an impossible challenge. I will get away from this place if I ever believed that.

And while I’m at it, a little more ‘offense’ from me.

During last Winter I tagged every moderator because I was upset and thought I was being gaslit, by Gagis. That was met with silence.

Without burying the lead, and giving away a sort of position of mine:

Does this place ever feel to you that it’s much more about ‘the buns’, and less than the ‘hotdog’ itself?’

It’s fighting words, but it’s crossed my mind and now you can say the next meaningful thing.

There’s beauty to accusations.

I’m frightened of what I just said, ok?

But I’m not a troll, I’m not beating around any bushes. And I’m more of a ‘mark’ now… and I’m more vulnerable now.

Credibility is key. I’m going for THAT.

The youth in my family is majority boys. I’m a stakeholder.

I only have a bit more to say now but it’s on my delusion which is not female friendly I’m told. And it is embarrassing.

But the proof is in the pudding. It evolved in me a long time ago. And I’m sorry but I’m sort of sorry for saying sorry.

@anon64158233 not every post is directed at you. I was answering a question made by @Leaf.

Paranoia, I suppose.

I guess I just wanted more… embarrassing to admit.

But is that really all you have to say?

As opposed to what? I shared several paragraphs on my morning.

It’s fine. I need you more than you need me. I can’t quit this place. Plus you’re at work it sounds like.

Not yet. I go at 2

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Me too coffee is gooood

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