when stressed out it is to hard to focus on things. and I look at it all wrongly blowing it out of sorts. is this schizophrenia? or something normal?
I think it can be normal if you’re under a lot of stress but that it’s also typical of schizophrenia. When I get stressed I can’t focus on anything either. I feel like my mind is just one big ball of stress. When I’m stressed at my psychologists office, my mouth opens and I talk but I don’t know what I’m thinking. It just comes out and I only have this very vague feeling of what I’m saying and I’m not sure if it makes sense or not. I can’t do stuff because I don’t know how to focus on doing stuff. It’s even hard to just watch TV sometimes and I can’t follow the story at all. This happens a lot, usually every day.
Stress makes my symptoms much worse too. It’s just schizophrenia.
Stress makes me get tunnel-vision and all I can see is what’s right in front of me, compounding the problem at hand.
The worse the stress gets, the more useless I become, and it’s not that I have forgotten to do something, just the opposite, I obsess over it to the point nothing else can get done either.
So the list grows and grows…and I get overwhelmed and blow a fuse just thinking about it.
I know the stress is too much when I find myself spending hours scraping labels off old items, whittling wooden chopsticks into toothpics, scrubbing the varnish off the floors, paint off the walls…even dumping out all the containers of screws, nails, washers, bolts and trying to organize them in plastic bins.
When I am stressed out, I obsess over it and easily get overwhelmed.