One of my neighbors came by today. He only does this when he wants sex. The last couple of times I didn’t make any moves, and he left. Today he asked me to get him off, even though I wasn’t in the mood. Neither of us got off, and he left. He just wants me to get turned on when I can’t. Anyway it’s kind of a problem.
Explain to him that you don’t want sex and if he doesn’t understand tell him to never come back and stop talking to him/avoid him.
Maybe I should. We both go to the same psychiatric care provider. It’s going to be hard to avoid him.
Is this the one guy you’ve been seeing @anon54988740?
Or some one else?
The same one. He didn’t come by for three or four weeks, but last week he started coming by again. Maybe it’s something with his ptsd.
Sounds like a user. You’re better off without that.
Thanks @anon4362788
Doesn’t sound like PTSD to me. Honestly, it sounds like someone who isn’t ready for/doesn’t want a relationship with you. You shouldn’t need to settle for only getting attention when he wants sex. It is okay to tell him that if he can’t give you an actual relationship, he can’t keep coming to you for sex.
If you are okay with your arrangement, that’s great and there’s nothing wrong with it. But it sounds like you want more.
Yes I wanted more than sex. But I’m ok that he doesn’t.
I got my Covid19 shot Thursday and maybe in six weeks I can relax about going to the medical school hospital where I get my physical care. I may schedule an appointment again with the urologist to see if my testosterone is low.
There’s the ongoing problem of me feeling rundown, moody, and having no energy.
He asked me if I was depressed, and I said yes. I don’t think he understands low T and not being in the mood.
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