Just had my care and support review from social services

They decided if I have eligible needs and to be supported/funded by social services. I received the document from my social worker and it has the breakdown of costing of support on the document.

1;1 support hours. 21.
Shared support hours, 11.
Total working hours, 32.
At £/hour £15.54

sleep-in 7 nights /week shared by 6

Day service, 3 sessions,
Day service 1 session 1;1

Total cost of ongoing support - £762.92 a week

Total personal budget £762.92 a week

Thats £3051.68 every 4 weeks - That £36.620.16 a year in support costs Social Services pay.

Plus my disability benefits at £1360 a month

Plus Housing Benefit (rent paid per month) at £826

Total in support and benefits a year… £62.732.16 a year… Wow

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I think you could do better than trying to keep telling everyone how much money you get from services. That’s peoples hard earned money they paid into taxes and you should be humbled by the support and not trying to make out your getting £60k from everyone supporting you…


How much would it cost if I was impatient in hospital?

It is great that you are getting so much support! I wish all countries and all disabled citizens could get as much support.


Most countries give far less in support. You’re very blessed.

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“Are other countries similar?”
We have nothing in India. Also the salery i make from full time job is less than your disability amount.

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I make 0$, actually its under 0$ bcz my parents pay for my food and my needs so I owe them. What you make is personal, also I wouldn’t post that personal screenshot.

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I took all personal information off.

I think what it does illustrate is(a) How much it costs to provide support and (b) We have a mental health system that provides good support for some while failing to provide reasonable support for many .

Neither are the fault of @bobbilly . Though it’s probably more tactful not to show how much support you’re getting in financial when other deserving people are a lot less fortunate .


I don’t really understand the support hours. How many do you get? And what kind of support do they provide?
Do you actually get someone sleeping over too?
If any of this is personal, no worries

I have to correct you on that. It’s the level of support a few get . I was basically self neglecting in Essex and for me it was fortnightly injections and seeing a nurse practitioner every 6 months or so . There was no social worker , no visits to my flat to check how I was doing from 2003-2017- apart from once when late for a depot .

Even now, although current mh services are more understanding , and far less prone to being nasty and judgemental , my main support is a stepdaughter who I can’t praise enough .
I’m lucky in that respect, but many aren’t .


It’s not about the money. If you’re lucky enough, you get the right amount of support if you ever find yourself in difficulty, the UK State will help you.

Monetising the support we get is not the right thing to do.

What we should be asking for is the right treatment, and that’s all.

I know there is a difference between Intellectual Disability and generic Mental Health services. I’m under ID services, have been since 2010 and have got a very good services from them.

I know people who are under the mantel health team that receive support packages from social services but overall they’re are not many people who use mental health forums who receive a package from social service.

I’m not bragging about the money I receive, I wanted to point out that the U.K. offers quite good aftercare for disabled people epsically people with intellectual disabilities, much better then mental health. I understand I am fortunate that I receive a good package, but I have lots of difficulties and at my worst have persistent thoughts that I have a microchip in my left armpit and more intrusive and persistent thoughts and voices that say I need to go to India and wash my sins away in the river Ganges and sacrifice myself to save the world, I hear buddha telling me this. these are prominent thoughts in my life and without the community treatment order or meds I have at high risk, thats why I get the support.

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But the truth is it doesn’t for the majority of us with SMI , and in some cases also a comorbid like ASD. You get the help and support you need and deserve, but it’s factually wrong to say that, taken as a whole, support for the disabled is 'quite good '.

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I appreciate that. I should rephrase, can offer good support for disabled people. Much better then American at least.

You can’t compare countries like that, each country has its advantages. The US is the 1st country to get new meds like Lumateperone.
Its the 1st med to treat negative symptoms and its only available in the US. It will take years or maybe never reach the UK. Here in Canada healthcare is 100% free and we get US meds soon after they’re released in the US.

Given my history of judgemental mental health workers , & their historical failure to provide good support due to not recognising genuine difficulties and issues , it’s a touchy and quite triggering subject for me . If you ever get to be called ‘awkward, demanding and troublesome’ ‘or a very dependent narcissist’, in wanting help and support for difficulties genuinely you have, then you’ll see what I mean

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I’m sorry about the hardships you’ve faced by services firemonkey.

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I may not have done much of value/not hit the heights that were seen as possible before illness struck, but I’m still alive. That’s better than many who weren’t so fortunate. I should be grateful for small mercies. I have a great stepdaughter, great grandaughters and 2 great great grandchildren .

This was said a few days ago when I was feeling down.

You are not useless at all , me and all the kids love you and would not change you for the world , you are an amazing dad and brilliant granddad and great grandad xx

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