Those things are pure trash
You would have been better with a bag of doritoes
I used to eat those sometimes and, yeah, not so great. Grey meat is seldom good lol.
Where i used to work had a vending machine in the break area with that sort of thing in it. I agree. Not so good.
a wheel of death? that’s what they used to call it where I worked.
I feel degraded after eating it
I ate lots of Costco pizza slices!
I’m full!
Was it a Rustlers? Those things are so bad, it tastes like eating rubber.
Most prepared food is. Best avoided.
Joke about getting old that I heard on the radio. I used to drop acid, now I have got acid reflux. Sorry if that was bad. LOL
Drink a full glass of water, I know that works for me
My beloved jalapeno peppers now cause me to have heartburn >_<
I buy a baguette from the grocery store and tear a hunk off of it to eat if I get acid reflux. I use Tums too, doesn’t work for very long though.
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