Just got champix!

Any experience taking champix/Varenicline?
I’m terrified of the inevitable vivid dreams, i’m already on zoloft and the dreams are weird.
And are there pill withdrawals?
I could ask my pdoc for wellbutrin after for the withdrawals


Why did your doctor give you that? Some people have had psychosis on it that aren’t mentally ill. Maybe you need to talk to that doc.

If anything i have plenty of extra risperidone and 25mg’s of sero, and it’s just for a month.
i’ll call her if it really does get to that point.

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they only prescribe it for quitting smoking here.i dont know maybe its different name.its called zyban here.

It helped me get off cigarettes. Didn’t finish the course and stopped after a week or so. Very easy for me to give up.

1 week ago I went on Sweedish snuss to replace the cigarettes. I still get tobacco without the smoke.

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